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Every aspiring Feminine spiritual leader needs Community.

Join Our not-so-Secret Witch Society


*all* of you is welcome…

This community is for you if you are an aspiring Feminine healing leader who is wanting to heal your blocks + reclaim your Feminine power, magic + full expression + create an aligned, legitimate professional business from your spiritual gifts whilst you do it.

Guided by Nicole Barton - Magical Teacher, host of the Secret Witch Show + creatrix of the Archetypal Apothecary™ Mystery School - this (not-so-secret) Secret Witch Society offers the tender first steps towards learning to harness ancient, sacred magical art + science of Archetypal Remedies, Feminine embodiment, shadow work, spells, rites and transmissions. Initiate yourself into your unapologetically magical gifts so you can live your purpose and create your legacy.

It’s for those magical women who are longing to journey deeper and long to become the Medicina they were born here to be.

If that’s you, you’re in just the right place - and *all* parts of you are so welcome…

Come on in…