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I see you, sensitive soul - you have a sense you were born here with a deeper purpose as a healer, lightworker, teacher or guide - yet you’re feeling stuck in a mundane life and terrified of opening to your gifts...

I feel you.  You’re sensitive, you’re ‘deep’, you *feel* more than others and you experience the shame, guilt and fear of either never feeling quite ‘enough’ - or perhaps feeling ‘too much’ - for this crazy modern world.  You feel ‘trapped’ on the busy hamster wheel of a mundane life, working in a professional career or juggling children and home life - generally feeling the draining constriction of an unfulfilling, often drama-fueled, yet dull day-to-day.  You’re constantly putting out fires, trying to ‘fit in’ and living life to make others happy - and, despite all the trappings and appearances of ‘outer success,’ your ‘inner world’ feels in chaos. 

I see you *knowing* there must be something more magical. You suspect you were *born* for a more meaningful purpose - you’ve had some kind of awakening yourself that has made a remarkable difference to your life. Perhaps you’re aware that you were born with a healing ‘gift’ (maybe you’ve been told you have one) - though that likely feels a million miles away, overwhelming and terrifying.  Right now, you want to learn to heal yourself, to have more energy, to find more soul alignment, passion and fulfillment - and learn to be softer and more loving to yourself.  You really want to heal yourself and reclaim the lost parts of your soul, so you can open to your healing gifts, discover what they are and learn how to express them in the world. 

You’re done with feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and saying ‘Yes’ to things you really long to say ‘No’ to (and ‘No’ to the things you even more deeply long to say ‘Yes’ to).  Some place within you is calling for real healing - you feel the strange, spine-tingling call, deep in your bones, to a journey of deeper meaning - to more raw, honest, wild magic and soul purpose than you’re currently living (or could even imagine for yourself).

I feel your heart.

Maybe it’s time to work more deeply, 1:1, with a soul guide so you can connect with your inner self-healing wisdom and…



reclaim your

Wild Soul

& open to deeper



This is for you if you:

🖤 have created some outer ‘success’ yet you’re feeling frustrated with your drama-fueled, chaotic, dull, mundane life - you’ve a sense there’s something ‘missing’ - and you feel a call to a life of more healing, magic, connection & deeper meaning

🖤 are a sensitive woman who ‘feels’ more than others - you’re easily overwhelmed by a keen sensitivity - to noise, lights, odours, touch, electricity, and especially to other people’s people’s energies or ‘other worlds’ - and no matter how hard you try to shove feelings down and try to be more ‘positive,’ you often explode with fiery anxious emotions, which you feel ashamed of and guilt yourself for

🖤 numb yourself from the pains of modern life with distractions like work, TV, food, alcohol, drugs (the pill, HRT, anti-anxiety and depression meds), scrolling social media - or other ‘quick fixes’ - yet despite numbing you might also be hyper-vigilent about your body, predicting what might need fixing next, because you have a brilliant mind

🖤 feel burned out and are suffering some kind of symptoms (perhaps womb pains, migraines, mysterious auto-immune disorders, chronic fatigue, stomach issues or palpitations) - and you have a sense this is due to a hidden underlying deeper pattern - and you’re called to slow down and heal yourself

🖤 struggle with people pleasing and rescuing - you’re running around living life for others, in business, work or motherhood, ignoring your own needs, and you feel stressed, anxious + resentful, which also creates a level of shame and guilt - you feel you’re not ‘good enough’, constantly beating yourself up

🖤 have a ‘depth’ that others don’t; you ‘see’ or ‘know’ things that others miss - and you shame that - though you’ve a sense that if you allowed yourself to trust your nudges, there’s a more magical and soul-led purpose to your life, where you can heal and discover the deeper soul plan you were born for (there must be more than this, right?), and open to the true, authentic expression of the healer you were born to be



I remember this well.  I remember sobbing in my corporate office - over a decade ago - slumped down on the bathroom floor, so exhausted I could barely move, and longing to do something more ‘wholesome’ that made a real difference in the world.  I couldn’t micro-manage another mundane detail of life anymore.  I was done.  There *had* to be more than this - and yet I was terrified of actually going in and discovering what that deeper more meaningful soul purpose I was born for actually was.  

Unfortunately, I didn’t heed my body’s calls - my soft Feminine body had been calling to me with her pain and numbness for months, and I’d ignored it - so my welcome into my healing gifts came with the (common) ‘wounded healer’s “initiation” of ill health.  I learned the hard way, and burned out with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (for the second time in my life) - which had me ending up leaving my job and retraining as a healer.  I didn’t see this as an ‘initiation’ into reclaiming the lost parts of my soul - my inner-healer - at the time; instead, I saw it that I was a ‘broken failure,’ and I spent a lifetime trying to ‘quick fix’ myself and my journey into being the healer I was born to be - with not much true healing happening.  

At the time, I felt that this was a sign I should ‘give up’ - that I was ‘failing’ at being a healer. I had so much fear of stepping fully into my gifts that I did almost give up - it was only the deep soul-stirring call in my belly that kept me going.  

Fast forward a decade and I’ve seen that the way I navigated this initiation was largely (and innocently) unconsciously - I was unaware of the truth about becoming a healer - and so, now, I’ve created the path for women that I so deeply needed back then. 

Here’s my point of view:

  • Fear, exhaustion and deep sensitivity are not signs that you should ‘give up’, but *initiations* into our ‘inner healer’ - our ‘wounded healer’ (or ‘Secret Witch’) - 

  • And there’s just more healing to do when we reach this stage (of our inner healer).

How you’re feeling now is an invitation back home - an invitation to learn how to tend your sensitive soul and embrace the true art of self (soul) healing, so you can activate your own ‘inner apothecary’, heal yourself and become the healer you were born here to be.

I discovered that becoming a healer is a “becoming” - and there are ‘3 steps’ required in that journey of ‘becoming’.  We firstly need to heal ourselves in order to heal others - we need to be willing to go into our darkness and tenderly and lovingly alchemise both our deepest core wounds, and our inner wounded healer.  Why? Because the universal law of healing - ‘similia similibus’ - or “like cures like” - literally means that women similar to us will be cured by us, and our unique story and ‘Heroine’s Journey’ of healing’.  Our own healing activates healing for others.  That’s the path I guide women through today (which you can learn more about here in our ‘Archetypal Apothecary’ page) - the 3 layers of healing, discovering your unique Archetypal Remedy (gift) and learning how to express your healing gift in the world.

My challenge was that I largely tried to navigate the journey alone, unsupported, and without a ‘process’ - which is why it cost me in all the ways: energy, time, spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. It took me over a decade, cost a tonne of money (over £90,000), and had me feeling entirely ‘disenchanted’ and lost.  It wasn’t until I chose to journey with an experienced Guide - who had already forged the path for herself - that I finally began to find the clarity I’d been looking for, heal myself and truly *know* in my bones the unique magic and gifts I was here for - and was able to express it cleanly in a way that landed deeply with other women who needed my unique Archetypal Remedy.

Through that journey, I worked with what I now call “Archetypal Remedies” to reclaim the lost parts of my soul - including the gifts of my deep sensitivity, my Feminine soft-power, my inner wisdom, my magic, my radiant aliveness and full, wild, true expression.  I owned my healing gifts to serve sensitive magical women into healing themselves and becoming healers.  I healed my heart from past relationships and opened to vulnerability and deep soul-love.  I created a magical, soul-led life and business that works around my baby girl, with a deeply supportive team.  Most importantly, it led me to birthing the exact body of work my soul was here to distill and release into the world - my unique ‘Archetypal Apothecary’ healing modality - which deeply honours my ancestral lineage. 

With its potent combination of 3 ancient wisdom bodies of homeopathy, archetypal psychology and energy healing, Archetypal Apothecary stands on ancient legs and has also been tried and tested with many other women who were born to be healers.  And here we are today - in the last year alone, I’ve helped over 60 women in their journeys of healing themselves and ‘becoming’ healers (and I’ll tell you, not one of them believed it was possible, at first - they were all terrified).

It’s not an easy journey - it is one of learning how to radically and lovingly tend to our inner little girls (who often get scared), reconnecting to our Feminine soft-power and wisdom, and alchemising our wounds into gold - and that requires courage, vulnerability, and submission to our souls… 

Yet, I can promise you, it’s a journey that’s worth it, if you’re willing to lean in, tenderly, and hear your soul - perhaps for the first time.  It’s also a journey that you can take at your soul’s pace - and you won’t have to quit your job, or run away and live in the forest to begin (though I joke that often feels preferable!)…

Come on a Journey with me...

Imagine 6 months from now...

Imagine 6 months from now.  You’re feeling more connected to your body, you’re able to tend your nervous system and you’re journeying with being able to truthfully and lovingly honour your inner ‘No,’ so that you can be more available to hear your heart’s desires and honour your wild Yeses (with the deepest of love).  You’re honouring your depth and brilliance, whilst also honouring your body. You’re allowing yourself to choose to follow the breadcrumbs in your soul journey (and you no longer fear that obliterating your life) - and you’re opening more confidently to your healing gifts.  You know it’s a journey of becoming - and you’re walking it, with love and tenderness.  You now have a deeper sense of ‘how’ to move through your challenges more powerfully, seeing them as healing ‘initiations’ - and you know how to heal yourself through them rather than feeling wounded and at the mercy of them.  You’re holding your inner little girl in her fears, and you’re learning to make more powerful choices towards opening to your soul gifts.  You’ve got clarity - you know the roadmap your unique Soul has chosen - and you’re walking it, at your own pace, without a sense of rush, but with a deeper sense of aliveness, power and magic.  You’re on the path…  

That’s where you’ll be at the end of this journey…

Imagine 3 years from now… 

Imagine, just for a moment, that you’ve chosen this next breadcrumb - and now you’re just 3 years older, wiser, more expressed, and you’ve been on a journey of initiation into the woman you long to become.​​​​​​​​​

You’re now what people would call a ‘medicine woman’ - a true healer.  You’re a woman who has been into the depths of her own wounds and learned to alchemise them into gold - and you’ve gained the kind of embodied wisdom and beauty that you see in women who have crinkly foreheads, and kind eyes.  You’re an ‘old soul’ kind of medicinal one, a sensitive one, who knows and embraces her uniqueness. 

And perhaps you don’t quite have a ‘crinkly' forehead, but you are fully embodied in the truth, magic and healing wisdom of the ancient ones.  You’ve been on a deep dive and you’re finally embodied as the ‘healer’ you came here to be - you’re doing the deep, meaningful work with others.

All the powerful choices you’ve made over the past 3 years have led you to have a beautiful sacred space of healing - a sanctuary, where women come to visit you.  You’re holding them in women’s circles or 1:1 healings with your unique remedy, surrounded by candles, incense, rose essential oils, beautiful sacred altars, blankets, cushions, and women feel held - they feel your wisdom rippling out, and they feel it activating parts of them that they didn’t know existed.  You’re sharing your story, confidently, and women come up to you after and say “I always wanted to find a guide like you,” “you’re so magical”, “you’re like a loving fast forward button to healing” - “I love you, I appreciate you, thank you, this was so healing.”

Perhaps you’re doing other things - maybe you’re writing for your favourite soul-led magazines, or appearing on a podcast, or writing for global blogs.  Perhaps you’re on stage, sharing your wisdom at a festival.  Perhaps you’re leading a retreat.  Maybe you’re writing a book.  

Whatever it is you’re doing, you’re fully expressed, sharing your story, and your heart is full, brimming with meaning and magic.  Your unique soul remedy is having impact in the world with women who are just like you (because ‘like cures like’).  You’re living the life you once only dreamed of.

Let’s ground back to the present moment. I know, from where you are, that this dream can feel ‘impossible’.   I know you doubt yourself, lack confidence, you feel you’re not perfect enough - you ask yourself “who am I to do this?” You often think “I can’t do this.”  I know it, because I’ve been there - that was me - yet this vision is now my life.

It began tenderly with Archetypal Remedies to heal my inner wounded healer, who didn’t think it was possible to become who she wanted to become.  

I’m so glad I chose each next breadcrumb along the path; without it, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. Sometime I pinch myself when I realise the magical life I lead, because I feel so appreciative of my courage to choose differently to my mundane life.

The same is so available for you, sweetheart - I know you’re not sure, but what if you just take a chance, and lean in, tenderly, slowly, at your own pace?  The world needs the unique Remedy you’re here to offer.

Is something speaking to your soul?  Read on...



Your 6 Month Journey with ‘Initiatrix’

Our 6 month Archetypal Apothecary ‘Initiatrix’ journey offers a deep level of guidance for women who are feeling the call to consciously enter their ‘self-healing’ and ‘healer’ initiation in a supported way.  Working to illuminate your unique Soul Map - the clear roadmap to your healing gifts - and your own ‘inner apothecary’ of Archetypal Remedies that will support you in your own self-healing, I will ground you into the art, science and universal laws of true, deep healing, so that you can learn how to truly heal yourself - and begin to discover your unique gifts and soul purpose.  You’ll learn to connect with your inner child - and the more powerful part of you that knows how to hold her in her fear - begin to connect to your inner wisdom, learn how to work with natural energetic medicine, and begin a journey of reclaiming the lost parts of your powerful, magical, wild soul that have, until now, been shamed and suppressed.

We will explore and create around a potent combination of the 8 Elements of our path, you’ll learn how to open your heart to your possibility and deeper self-love, connect back into your body and her wise messages, and how to tend your nervous system, learn how to work with soul reclamation, how to invoke your unique Archetypal Remedies - who will become your spiritual allies - for self-healing, work with self-illumination, understand the laws of manifestation, and begin to embody reclamation of your power, along with being part of our sisterhood.

In other words - it’s a deep grounding in all the vitally important Elements in the journey of becoming of a healer.

We meet for 12 sessions (every other week), online via Zoom for 6 months, and you’ll have access to support via Facebook messenger or Wattsapp, for in-between ‘aha’ moments.  It’s a potent healing space, where you’ll be held lovingly - and, perhaps for the first time in your life you’ll begin to understand the phrase “all is welcome”, as you learn to love parts of yourself you’ve previously outcast.  



You’ll Receive:

  • 12 x 1:1 sessions with Nicole - we will meet every other week

  • Wattsapp or Facebook Messenger access - once a day, Mon-Thurs - for potent ‘aha’ moments 

  • A bespoke Soul Map for deep clarity and a roadmap to your healing and unique gifts

  • An Archetypal Remedy Booklet of your unique Remedies that aid in self-illumination via personality-profiling

  • Guidance workbooks, enquiry invitations, embodiment practices and guidance on ritual and ceremony for your magical initiation

BONUS #1 (WORTH £554): You’ll also receive access to any group crucibles that are active during your container - such as Rosa (open to full bloom), Aurum (reclaim your Feminine soft-power), She Wolf (reclaim your inner wild) or Luna (reclaim your inner magic) - meaning you get to work with our Archetypal Remedies live and in our sisterhood, that help you powerfully heal, discover and express your soul.

BONUS #2 (WORTH £444): You’ll receive your unique Archetypal Soul Reading and Soul Map as part of our work together, to aid clarity on your healing.



You’ll Become a Woman Who Has:

🌹 begun to feel a sense of self-love and compassion, and deeper connection with your body - beginning to listen to your Feminine body’s secret messages and peel back layers to reveal the deeper hidden causes of burn-out, fatigue, overwhelm and other symptoms - you’ll understand the deeper patterns beneath your physical symptoms (reclaiming your vital life-force) 

🌹 started to create true, lasting self-healing - you’ve become confident in your own power to self-heal, naturally - you’re beginning to feel a sense of vitality and fall in love with life again, and are beginning to trust your own deep healing wisdom and intuition (you’ll learn the real art of true healing)

🌹 learned to love her inner little girl - you’ll learn the tools to welcome, feel and heal your emotional and mental wounds, love and nurture yourself in your fears (including around opening to your gifts) and begin to reclaim your raw, honest, wild soul and honour your needs, desires, true Yeses and No’s with love - you’ll be healing your trauma (which is vital to learn how to help others heal)

🌹 has begun to deepen into trust and connection to yourself and healed your relationship with self and others; you’re feeling softer, more relaxed and open - and able to be vulnerable - even creating a depth of connection in your relationships that you didn’t know was possible (that will be the foundation for you guiding others)

🌹 reclaimed your power to choose and create a life of magic. You’ll have opened to your power to manifest life - one that has you creating things you didn’t see possible before.  You’ll open your heart to the richer, deeper magic of life - you’re feeling juicy, alive, supported and connected to your soul

🌹 begun to discover a sense of a deeper meaningful purpose - you’ll have begun to open to and understand the magical gifts you were born here with (with a clear map for them), and will be claiming your deep brilliance, opening to the possibility of becoming the healer your soul was born to be, with clarity on your soul’s deeper purpose.

In other words, you will have come home to your soul, learned to heal yourself and will feel more confident to open to your gifts as a healer, having more clarity on what your gifts and purpose are...


This is not a fit for you if you:

  • want to keep outsourcing your healing to ‘quick fixes’ - I won’t be healing you, because we can only heal ourselves

  •  you don’t want to create a small amount of space for yourself to dive into the deep work - engaging with invitations, enquiries, practices and rituals between our sessions

  • you aren’t here to learn to open through your fears and lovingly tend your nervous system and inner little girl

  • have other priorities that are currently higher than your self-healing (there’s no shame in that, please choose this wholeheartedly)

  • want to rush the journey of becoming a healer and want to keep trying other ‘marketing’ based ‘quick fixes’

  • aren’t female - this is for women only because the work we will be doing is about becoming aware of and honouring different aspects of the Feminine, including biology, experiences, energetics and cycles specific to female bodies.

This is a fit for you if you:

  • are a sensitive, brilliant woman who wants to stop ‘fixing’ and lovingly open to your soul and discover your possibility

  • are longing for an authentic, soul-paced journey to learn how to heal yourself (and you want to take responsibility for that)

  • are willing to choose to create a small amount of time for yourself each day (suggested 30 minutes) to devote to invitations between sessions (at your soul’s pace) - and will devote to the deeper work of self-healing

  • are willing to look in the mirror at sometimes difficult-to-see underlying patterns that arise to be seen (lovingly and fully supported)

  • feel a call to a life of more meaning and impact - perhaps as a healer, teacher or guide - even if that feels terrifying (though you may also not know this specifically - all sensitive souls are welcome)

  • are willing to honour the sacredness of the journey



There are 2 exclusive spaces to work privately in 2024, and a paid waitlist.  This work is deep work and is aligned for a woman who is feeling ready to commit to your deep healing.  Initiatrix is for you if you feel the deep desire to learn to heal yourself - your body, mind, spirit and soul - and begin to discover your gifts - and if you’ll open your heart to learning to honour your own power and magic, and walk into the fire and submit (tenderly) to your initiation, at your soul’s pace.




6 months of healing initiation.

Financial investment of £5777.

Payment plans available.


Your soul is longing for you to let her lead - will you let the soft animal of your body guide you home to your healing and deeper more meaningful purpose as a healer, teacher or guide?  What are the costs of not hearing her?

It is deeply important to my heart that if you choose this journey, you are an energetic match for it.  Because of this, I hold Alchemy Calls to explore the alignment for both of us, and you will only be offered a space if there’s a deep connection - in that way, it is by ‘invitation’ only.  If you’d like to explore, book your Alchemy Call here:


What Tamyln Said About Walking the Path:

What Other Women Say About Walking the Path:

“If your soul is calling you to the path to work with Nicole, listen to it and follow it.”

“In journeying with Nicole, I have found where and how I can use my gift. If your soul is calling you to the path to work with Nicole, listen to it and follow it. Follow your heart, your soul knows. I haden’t worked for the last 6 years as I’ve been a stay at home Mum, so I didn’t think it would even be possible for me to invest this time and money in myself to create a soul-led life and business (especially with having a 5 year old and 3 month old baby when I started!), but if your soul is calling you to this path and you choose it, there are magical ways of creating the time and money you need to invest in yourself.”

- Olivia Roff, 1:1 Client


Additional Words from Women About The Path...

  • "Looking deeply at my wounds + learning to love them has been so necessary + healing for me. I had a huge amount of resistance to choosing into this path; I had so much fear of looking where I didn’t want to look yet I was drawn in by the deep longing to be in my power and start to allow myself to shine, which at the time felt impossible. Looking deeply at my wounds and learning to love them has been so necessary and healing for me. So much was revealed through this and it was Nicole’s safe space and love which gave me the ability to begin to look there.   I’ve noticed that during 3 years of 3P spiritual exploration there were moments of deep peace and clarity, but I never got to anything that was lasting. Through working with Nicole I now see myself as powerful, I have moments of forgetting this but my fundamental view of myself has changed, which I am so grateful for.  I’m so grateful to Nicole - thank you for guiding me."
    — Jo Townsend, 1:1 Client
  • "It was life-changing for me to choose into this work - and it continues to be. Nicole opened my eyes to the profound magic of daily practice. The group showed me what it can be like when sisters come together to be vulnerable and loving, and that intimacy can exist without being shamed or chastised.
    I’ve learned to see “yucky” or “undesirable” parts of me as fragmented parts of me, shadows that can be loved back into wholeness.
    I have stepped into my magical power because of the love and wild remedies you so lovingly dosed. I am so so grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
    — Elizabeth Schroder
  • “In journeying with Nicole, I have found where and how I can use my gift. If your soul is calling you to the path to work with Nicole, listen to it and follow it. Follow your heart, your soul knows”
    — Olivia Roff
  • “One of the things that was really powerful about working with Nicole was realising that I had an urge to go and rescue everyone else - I’ve seen it’s okay to reclaim my power - and there is a way of doing that with love. If you’re considering this, don’t let the fear of the Witch put you off - see the Witch as a part of yourself that you don’t know yet - a part that can bring wonderful insights and healing.”
    — KR
  • "I have uncovered and healed so much! Now I feel so much more space around my desires, I'm in the flow, in the process of realising them. My heart is so full of gratitude for you, Nicole. For having guided me on this path. You still are, with your honest shares and posts. I love you. And I feel gratitude towards myself, for having the courage and for just following the calling and doing the work."
    — MP

“I’ve definitely taken more self-responsibility for my healing - and for my health and for my choices. Specifically, in my pregnancy and in my birth, I've really deepened into my intuition, into my body, into my choices, into my fears, into my power. I’ve journeyed into uncomfortable places in myself to get the answers that I was looking for in my pregnancy and my birth.  On the personal healing front, last year, my son had an ear infection and I had an infected cyst and then recently I had an infected abscess.  My experience of healing that from last year to now is quite different. While it's been another deep journey, I have managed to recognise the patterns that were coming up for me and make some changes and do things differently and not actually go down the pharmaceutical medical route - which is fine if that's what’s needed, but I am very grateful to have been able to choose other options and heal myself naturally. A lot of that was inner work - as well as obviously looking after myself physically - but there was a lot of journeying into what my little girl needed - which is something Nicole always helped me ask: “what does your little girl need from you?” - and I found there was a lot of anger that she needed support with. I literally did a meditation where I went into the abscess and it was my inner little girl, raging, angry - and once I went in and connected with her, comforted her, let it all out, once I had released that, my abscess began to heal and went away - so it's been an amazing personal healing journey, and I've come so far in working with Nicole on that front. Nicole really helped me connect more with that Wild Mama inside me - and I'm starting to live and express that in the world now and help other women too. So that's exciting.”  

— Tamlyn Godsall, 1:1 client


Begin Your Journey

Are you feeling the deep soul call to explore if this journey is aligned for you?

Read Case Studies of Women Who Have Walked the Path


Still Unsure if ‘Initiatrix’ is For You? 

Oh my heart, if you’re reading this far, I’m honouring you for still being here; and I can sense you have some understandable fears or reservations arising.  Believe me, I know it can feel like a risk for you to choose into even exploring a deep journey like this - and you may be thinking “will this be worth it?” or “what if this is another thing that just doesn’t work?” or “what if it makes things worse and I’ve just unleashed all my emotions and all hell breaks loose?” - or “what will others think if I allow myself to choose this, and I create healing transformation?”  I want you to know, these are all such normal fears, and they’re so welcome in my space - and you’ll come to learn to love yourself in these, if it’s aligned for you to join us.  

What I’d say about this particular 6 month 1:1 crucible, is that knowing what is aligned for our soul can actually feel like a minefield (especially for sensitive souls who have innocently learned to disconnect from their inner wisdom because it feels unsafe).  This is because, whilst we are taught that the path of soul should feel all the flow and ease of roses and chocolates, in my experience a call to soul rarely feels ‘good’ - yet it can still feel ‘right’.  My invitation is to keep that in mind when contemplating if you’re a fit for exploring this deeper support.  

My invitation is to begin to open to trusting your own wisdom, too - is it this, is it now, is it me?  If it’s not, that’s absolutely ok - it may be that, for now, you’re more aligned for one of our group journeys like Rosa, Aurum, Lupa or Luna.  Check those out here .  

For a little bit more about me, regarding my own experience, I’ve been guiding women in their healing journeys for a decade - and you don’t have to just take my word for it - our work with Archetypal Remedies has been featured in lots of press.  Over the years, I’ve shared my voice as a leading specialist in both healing and mainstream press, including Kindred Spirit Magazine, Soul and Spirit Magazine, Holistic Therapist Magazine, Tiny Buddha blog, Yoga Magazine, Metro, Badass Woman’s hour radio, Natural Health Magazine, Oh Magazine, Wellbeing Magazine, True Health, Sivana East, McGill Media and many others - and written educational pieces for holistic colleges, including leading homeopathic college the Centre for Homeopathic Education (CHE) in London and New York. I’ve also hosted events at leading holistic wellbeing festivals like Fire + Alchemy, Mind Body Spirit Festival, Rest Fest, The Life Centre and More Yoga in London, sharing my signature workshops.  I’m fully insured as a professional, qualified healer, and am a specialist Consultant for global healing organisations and suppliers, including Base Formula, for whom I regularly write educational blogs.

If you’re just beginning here, we also intentionally offer a Starter Pack which contains lots of great free resources - including an Illumination Workbook and free Taster Healing Journey with Archetypal Rosa, as well as links to our press features, blogs, podcasts and free workshops around ‘how’ the magical technology of the path works. I’d recommend you begin here as it is intentionally designed to help you begin the journey yourself and get a taster to see if you like our work.  I’d recommend that if you’re feeling the call - and you’ve not yet journeyed in anything else with us before - start here before you book an Alchemy Call.  Check it out below…


Want a Taster? Begin with our Starter Pack, Illumination Workbook and Free Journey with Archetypal Rosa...

How to know if you’re ready to heal your soul & open to your healing gifts

- even if it’s terrifying



PS: To Recap...

To recap: in this deep journey of soul healing and reclamation, you’ll begin to work with your unique Soul Map of Archetypal Remedies for deep soul healing, and discovery of your gifts, so that you can learn to heal yourself, reclaim your wild, Feminine soul and open to a sense of deeper meaning and purpose.  It’s a tender first step in the journey becoming a healer, teacher or guide - if that’s what’s aligned for your soul - and it’s importantly all about soul-healing.  This journey is the result of over a decade of my experience as a healer, teacher and guide, and offers the path I *wish* I’d had so that I didn’t spend all the time, energy and money I did; it’s all carefully and magically curated to guide you along your journey in the most loving and deeply supported way possible.  You’ll receive the most potent way to work with Nicole - both with bespoke and fully held 1:1 support, and the added bonus of group work, which adds a different dynamic to the journey.  There are incredibly limited spaces which rarely open, there’s a paid waitlist, and it is invitation-only based on true, deep soul-alignment and willingness to submit to your soul. It is popular, so if you’re feeling the call and a sense of knowing that it’s time to commit to your healing and gifts, ensure you book an Alchemy Call to see if it’s a fit for you.



Is your name on Medicine Woman’s list? It’s time...

“It may be the first day of your life, the prime of youth or several decades in, when Medicine Woman calls you. Your name on her list. Her new initiate. She crept in whilst you were sleeping, when you over-exerted, when you kissed him, or ate that, or lived there or pushed too hard just one time too many. She crept in and curled up in your cells, your heart, waiting to meet you. Longing to know you. Longing for you to know her, at last.

And what feels like the end is in fact a beginning, of a new road, an unknown path of pain and healing. She will show you how to slow down, she will run her fingers roughly through your life and help you sort the busyness from what matters, she will show you how to find support… and who you really are, beyond your roles and expectations… and even more beyond the System the world has forced you into. She transports you into the timelessness of big pains and tiny joys. Initiates you into your strength. Into your love. Into your courage. Into a world beyond your control.

She has sent me an invitation. I see yours too, tucked in your bag, amongst all the receipts and bills, the pens and detritus of life. Take it out.

It is time.”

~ Lucy H. Pearce

Still Not Ready? That’s Okay...

I completely honour when it’s just not the aligned time for women to join - and it’s really important to me that women honour that for themselves, because we want you to join our programs and feel able to engage and get the most from them.  I’d recommend tuning into your heart beyond the fear, and weighing up the costs and benefits of joining, in order to choose consciously, and if it is still not aligned, then I’d recommend listening to our Secret Witch Show podcast which is full of gems for you to travel yourself - you can check that out here (and join our Secret Witch Society on Facebook, to share with us too):



Deposits required to claim your space. There is a deep commitment to self required for this initation + therefore payments are non-refundable.