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Archetypal Apothecary Healing Modality

YOU are an ARCHETYPAL REMEDY - the REMEDY for both YOURSELF + others SIMILAR to you.

The question is which remedy ARE you?

Sensitive soul, welcome home...

How often have you found yourself dreaming about a more meaningful magical life of purpose, where instead of your mundane career, you’re working with other people - as a healer, guide or teacher - to help them heal - and then found yourself in fear thinking “what will my partner/friends/mum/kids think about me becoming a magical healer?” (approval wounds) or “can I really trust magical healing?” (control wounds) or “can I create money from this?” (security wounds)? I bet a lot - because “approval, control and security” are some key wounds that women have to journey with healing in order to become healers, teachers and guides. In other words, fear is a normal part of the process of becoming a healer.

And yet, know this, my love: wherever you are in the journey, it’s totally possible for you to start lovingly taking the steps towards creating your heart’s vision to live a life of more meaning, purpose and impact.

I feel your tender heart - and I’ve got the medicine for you. If you truly want to open to the possibility of becoming a woman who is stepping into her deeper, more magical purpose (as a healer, teacher or guide), here’s my take:

I deeply acknowledge your fears, sweetheart - and I know they truly call for some deeply loving tending. You see, it is totally possible to step into your deeper purpose *and* there are some legitimate obstacles, which I help women like you lovingly navigate. So many women come into the world of ‘healing’ because something has had a deep impact on their lives and they want to share this magic with others; but there are so many social ads or ‘quick fixes’ making empty promises - telling them they can be a healer ‘tomorrow’ - that they end up spending a tonne of money, time and energy in the ‘fixing’ tools, which offer false promises that they can become a healer immediately, when the reality is - much like our own personal healing - there’s no ‘quick fix’; it takes time. At this point, my heart breaks, because I see so many women become disenchanted at the lack of integrity of other courses, and begin to innocently mistrust the industry - and magic in and of itself - and begin to feel stuck in a loop of the fears that come up when trying to become a healer - lack of confidence, fear of failure, judgement and rejection, and fear of their lives being obliterated, as well as many more.

I’m the heart-centred, truthful Soul Guide who is here to take a stand on how this journey into your gifts can be created from integrity (and in a way that saves money and time that’s often wasted on ‘quick fixes’).

And if you’ll give me a few more moments to share, here’s my point of view as to the reason you’re struggling…

My Point of View

The reason you’re feeling lost is because becoming a healer is just that - a *becoming* - and there are 3 steps to take to become a healer who makes real, lasting impact, from integrity - which are:

1. HEALING - you still need to do some personal healing (particularly around healing the healer)

2. DISCOVERY - you need to discover and fully embody your unique gifts, and

3. EXPRESSION - you need to discover how to get your gifts ‘out there’ in the world.

My experience is that if we don’t learn to figure out these particular 3 steps (no matter who our guide is through this process), you’ll likely end up spending a lot of money and be disappointed.

Let’s be deeply honest, too: if you’re not someone who has all the fears, if you’ve healed your healer wounds, if you know what your unique remedy is (hint, it's not just the ‘tools’), if you’re savvy about marketing and you’ve a really clear niche, then perhaps you can just jump into this tomorrow; but if you don’t, then it’s likely you won’t. I share this because my path is one of integrity and truth - and I want women to know that there’s a timeline to this - if you do walk those 3 steps, it takes 3 years to open to your gifts and become a healer, teacher or guide - and yet, you can also start walking now - at your soul’s pace - taking the steps alongside what you’re already doing (it doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing'!).

Our Archetypal Apothecary™ healing modality offers the soul-paced path of 3 steps and 8 elements required in the journey of *becoming* a healer - in a way that allows your nervous system to stay regulated, and honours your Feminine body and her sensitive needs and desires, so that you can make the deepest of meaningful impact in the world.

Uniquely, we guide women into mapping out and activating their own ‘inner apothecary’ of ‘Archetypal Remedies- which are like ‘personality profiles’ that hold up a mirror to unconscious aspects of ourselves - for deeper self (soul) healing, discovery, embodiment and expression of your healing purpose. In other words - we guide you to heal yourself and access your own wisdom, rather than seek out ‘quick fixes’.

You are a UNIQUE archetypal remedy, HERE TO ACTIVATE AND INITIATE HEALING. AND We GUIDE YOU TO CHANNEL your ‘INNER Apothecary’ of Archetypal Remedies for both deep personal soul-healing & to discover which Remedy you WERE BORN TO SERVE - BASED ON THE UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE ‘SIMILIA SIMILIBUS’ - LIKE CURES LIKE.

A unique and potent combination of the 3 ancient wisdom bodies of homeopathy, archetypal psychology and energy healing, our Archetypal Apothecary healing modality helps sensitive souls and aspiring healers learn the art of deep self (soul) healing - so that you can discover your soul purpose and become the healer, teacher, lightworker or guide you were born to be (whether that’s a healer simply for yourself, or your family - or to share your gifts widely with the world).

And don’t worry, either - if you’ve already trained as a healer, absolutely none of it is wasted; you don’t have to abandon all your training - Archetypal Apothecary is a complementary healing modality, which actually super-powers your existing skills. Likewise, you don’t need to have done any official ‘healing’ training to join us, either.

Whether your preference is having a clear map and soul plan of your healing and gifts, with guidance on how to begin and next steps - or it’s having guidance in one of our intimate group journeys to help you heal your wounded healer - or working 1:1, below, you’ll find an outline of the healing modality, along with support options for all the key milestones along the path, that support you in the journey of becoming a healer. We’ve designed it intentionally so you can jump right in, wherever you are in your healing journey - and go at your own soul’s pace.


What’s Our Archetypal Apothecary Path?


Level 1 = HEALING

Learn the art of self-healing and open your heart to your possibility, purpose and power as you do:

  • MANIFESTING WITH THE MOON - free healing circle to open your heart, connect to possibility & manifest magic

  • ROSA (Rose) - open your heart, soften your body & heal your soul

  • AURUM (Gold) - reclaim your Feminine power, trust your wisdom, choose your soul

  • LUPA (She-Wolf) - reclaim your wildness, honour your truth, hear your soul

  • LUNA (Moon) - reclaim your sensitivity, trust your magic, shine your soul

  • ARCHETYPAL SOUL READING - 1:1 - get a clear road-map to your healing and gifts, how to begin and next steps

  • INITIATRIX - currently 1:1 - 6 month journey - heal yourself, reclaim your wild soul, open to your deeper purpose

LEVEL 2 = DIScovery

Discover your unique remedy and embody your gifts

  • MEDICINA - currently 1:1 - 9 month journey -discover your unique gifts and create your soul’s legacy business 

Level 3 = expression

Express your gifts into the world as a healer, teacher or guide

  • ANCESTRESS - currently 1:1 - become a healer or guide and / or become a practitioner and develop your own healing Archetypal Apothecary



Begin your Initiation


Level 1 = healing


Currently only available 1:1



currently by invitation only


Read Case Studies of Women Who've Walked the Path

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