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Olivia Roff - Case Study

Archetypal Remedy: She-Wolf

Medicine Name: Mystic Wolf Mother of Loving Wild Motherhood

Soul Work: Mystical Birth Guide and Teacher


Where Olivia Began:

When Olivia came to walk the Archetypal Apothecary path, three years ago, she was a new mother to a 3 month old baby girl, and a 5 year old boy.  Having been an ex-teacher, she knew she did not want to return to this mundane career - yet, despite the challenge of a busy ‘mum’ life, she had a deeper sense that she was here for something ‘more’ - something more ‘meaningful’. However, she was feeling all the terrifying fear of this - and it felt ‘impossible’.  She was a ‘Secret Witch’ - secretly magical, powerful and wild, yet unsure how to access her gifts, or even know what they were.  She knew deep down she was here to heal herself, discover her gifts and create a soul-led business of some kind - and had a deep burning desire to share the wisdom she had gained so far with other women and help them create healing - to make a difference in the world.  But it felt terrifying.

At the time, she wasn’t able to own that her gift was a ‘healer’ (this came later), but she did sense she had some kind of ‘spiritual gifts’ - though she was feeling much fear around them.  In particular she feared what people would ‘think’ of her if she stepped into them, which left her wearing a mask and ‘hiding’, not sharing fully who she was - even with her closest family (who she feared would think she had gone ‘crazy’ if she expressed this more truthful part of herself).  For a long time, she had played the role of the ‘Good Girl’, people-pleasing and seeking approval, instead of being the wild, true expression of who she was here to be.

Personally, she was also experiencing anxiety and claustrophobia, feeling caged, and was shaming her deep sensitivity, which left her nervous system on edge.  She was disconnected from her body, leaving her feeling burned out, exhausted and overwhelmed.  She’d tried all the typical healing things - including spiritual healing - but nothing had ‘worked’.

She had challenges with expressing and honouring her boundaries - being ‘all things to everyone’ and not valuing her contribution as a mother in the household.  She feared being judged as ‘selfish’ for investing in herself (time, energy, financially) which left her ‘selling her soul’ to receive love, approval and security, not meeting her own (sensitive) needs, and putting herself last, people-pleasing, running around looking after everyone else. In particular, she didn’t know how to receive love and support from her partner, or family, and was pushing it away.

She had deep fear around money (Archetypal Arsenicum) - and her power to create it so that she could step into the path of embodying and expressing her healing gifts - especially with having young children.  Even to the point of thinking she couldn’t afford the investment for her healing journey (which she later liberated by staying open to possibility).

Where We Journeyed:

The Archetypal Apothecary Path has ‘3 Layers’ of ‘becoming’ a healer - 1) Self-Healing, 2) Discovery of Soul Gifts and 3) Expressing Gifts into the world.

Olivia has journeyed with all 3 steps - becoming a talented healer in just 3 years. Here’s where we journeyed together, in our 1:1 work, including how she journeyed with the 8 Elements and Archetypal Remedies of the Archetypal Apothecary path.

1) Self-Healing

Like most aspiring healers, Olivia had much personal self-healing to do to even open to her gifts.  This began with opening her heart to her deeper sacred soul vision and deeper purpose (Element of ‘Opening’ / Archetypal Rosa).  She began to journey in some ritual and ceremonial practice out in the wild to reclaim her soul’s truest, deepest desires and longings, and illuminate any fear that was in the way of that.  She began to learn to cultivate a sense of deeper devotion to her soul.

Through this visioning process, she discovered that she longed to be a healer, and opened to creating support to help her to actualise her purpose - which had her magically create a major milestone of her ‘Queendom’ team of support.  This included some magically aligned childcare, and continuing household support with a cleaner.  She was, naturally, very ‘particular’ about the woman who would support with childcare, and by learning to focus on her vision, even in fear (Element of ‘Manifestation’), and cultivating an openness to possibility (which felt challenging) she found the perfect person.  This helped her create some space to begin to focus on her dream of being the healer she longed to be, and do the deep work to discover her gifts and begin to create her business.

As we dove in, she discovered something huge, illuminating (Element of ‘Self-Illumination’) that her sensitivity likely was neurodivergence.  This was a huge initiation for her, and she discovered that neurodivergence wasn’t something to fear, but often part of a gift of being a healer (Archetypal Luna) - and that she needed to learn to meet herself in her deeply sensitive needs, so that she could create her vision.  She healed layers of old wounding around embracing her sensitivity, and reclaimed this as the gift it is - simultaneously reclaiming her openness to spirit and ‘other worlds’ as the ‘Archetypal Phosphorus’ (sensitive, open, magical) healer she is (Element of ‘Soul Alchemy’).

She began to recognise that her brilliant mind meant she had spent a lot of time in her ‘head’, ‘over-analysing’ and ‘future-predicting’, attempting to ‘control’, and being disconnected from her body (Archetypal Quartz).  She was invited to engage in body practices and rituals to bring her back into her body (Element of ‘Embodiment’), and learned to tend her nervous system, and meet her needs more deeply (again, illuminating Old Stories she held about honouring herself - including ‘worthiness,’ particularly as a woman and a mother).  This portal of learning to meet her needs was particularly important for Olivia, as it required some deep healing of her inner ‘Good Girl’ who felt unworthy, being used to putting everyone else first.

As she dove into her Feminine body, she reclaimed a deeper sense of nurturing self-love - which is vital in the path of healing.  She has worked deeply with loving the innocent ‘little girl’ within who longs to distract her from her soul’s path and her ‘bigness’, learning how to let her know that she is safe to tenderly keep stepping into deeper devotion to her soul (Archetypal Rosa).  There was a lot of messy darkness, grief and trauma uncovered in this process, which she learned to hold herself in and love herself through, which is a deeply important part of the process - one that many women often try to avoid, but it necessary for our deeper healing.

One of Olivia’s biggest personal initiations was in the reclamation of her Feminine (soft) power (Element of Majesty).  She began to own her sense of creative power, and open to the knowing that she *could* become the healer she longed to be - and that she could choose her life more intentionally, yet from a Feminine, heart-led soft-power (Archetypal Aurum).  She began to heal and alchemise her temptation to create from push, force and struggle - and even to distract from her deeper purpose - and instead began to create from the devotion to her Feminine heart and flow. 

2) Discovery of Soul Gifts

Knowing the importance of working with Archetypal Remedies, I worked with Olivia on distilling her soul’s unique ‘Archetypal Remedy’ (her gift) and the other Archetypal Remedies in her Soul Map (back then, these were called her ‘Soul Essence’) - including Archetypal Phosphorus, Rosa, Naja, Aurum, Quartz, She-Wolf and Thuja - which helped her begin to self-heal some of the wounded patterns and Old Stories she was illuminating during the journey of becoming a healer, and heal and alchemise them live as she journeyed.  

During this time, we began to work with the discovery of Olivia’s soul gifts (Element of Soul Alchemy).  As part of this deeper discovery process, we began some ‘Sacred Wound Processing’ work, exploring the gifts to be found in her deepest wounds - which centred around the shaming of her ‘wild’ spiritual expression; in particular, her gift for channelling ‘spirit baby’ communication, and ‘womb wisdom’, her wounds with death and loss, and religion (Archetypal Thuja) and her miscarriage and how she had shamed her body for ‘failing’, from an earlier traumatic childhood experience.  We began the deep and dark work of processing her deepest traumas, which is always a challenging process - though it allowed for her unique Archetypal Remedy emerged - later to be named as one of the Matridonal (Mother) Queendom Remedies, Archetypal She-Wolf.

In particular, Olivia doubted her magic and the part of her essence that was ‘Divine’ (Archetypal Thuja), healing, alchemising and reclaiming the lost parts of her soul that had denied her deeper connection to Spirit and mediumship gifts.  Olivia began to discover more deeply that her soul gifts were to channel spirit babies and womb wisdom - but felt a gap in her knowledge of birth work.  She discovered a deeper soul desire to journey in a Birth Keeper course to fulfil this part of her soul’s journey, and engaged in this alongside our work, to harness the practical tools she needed to be able to live her purpose.  At the time, she had closed to possibility of this, due to the fear of the investment of over £1500, but in our work to explore how to open through fear, and stay open to holding the vision of possibility, Olivia manifested this course for free in exchange for some administrative work she was able to offer.

As we journeyed more deeply with discovering Olivia’s unique ‘Soul Remedy’, her Soul’s ‘Medicine Name’ was revealed - ‘Mystic Wolf Mother of Loving Wild Motherhood’ (Archetypal She-Wolf) - which began the magical work for her of embodying the woman she was born to be (Element of ‘Invocation’).  She worked with deeper devotion to the embodiment and expression of this unique remedy, working with revealing the expression of the woman her soul longed to become, and distilling and working with her personal ‘Avatar’ of her Archetypal Remedy for deeper self-healing and embodiment of who her soul came here to be - living into embodiment of the woman she longed to be.

3) Expressing her Gifts and Birthing her Soul Business

It was at this point, as Olivia had begun to devote to embodying her gifts more and more deeply through our work, she then began to work with healing the ‘Expression’ layer of the path - and started tenderly leaning into expressing her gifts as a Mystical Birth Guide into the world, simultaneously beginning to create her soul business from them.  

The work of expressing our gifts requires more personal healing and self-love, and this required her to heal some of the wounds she held around her Feminine power, magic and expressing her rather ‘wild’ and radical unique point of view around how children are mirrors to our healing, and how baby loss is a portal to our soul - owning herself as a Mystical Birth Guide in a world where that was not the ‘norm’ - and sometimes not even welcomed.  She had more alchemy with the ‘Good Girl’ and the ‘Rebel’ in this healing portal.

This is why this work is not done in isolation to the work that has precluded it, but something that requires us to devote to living more deeply into soul healing as we express our gifts.  Therefore, expressing her gifts included a continuation of her healing - working now with all of her existing Archetypal Remedies - and particularly with the deeper Remedy layers around becoming ‘visible’ (which included liberating her temptation to ‘distract’), and allowing her full ‘radiant’, ‘magnetic’ expression (Archetypal Phosphorus and ‘Ancestral’ Witch Wound Remedies) - and more of her ‘Matridonal’ (Mother) Remedy wounding - also some deeper ‘soul business’ work which is woven into ‘Layer 3’ of the Archetypal Apothecary path.  This included:

  • Distilling her ‘Client Avatar’ - who she was here to serve - getting clear on who that is, and calling them in, energetically, via ritual and magic

  • Distilling her own unique ‘Healing Path’ that she could offer to others - mapping out her unique ‘Point of View’ to guide women (similar to her, only a little further begin in the journey) into, grounded in her own embodied experience

  • Distilling her unique ‘Island A’ to ‘Island B’ - i.e. where she could take women ‘from’ and ‘to’ (and illuminating where they were in their journey, and where else they had been)

  • Choosing her ‘Business Model’ - including whether she would work online or in-person, and how she wanted her business to work

  • Distilling and creating clear ‘Offerings’ that would best support her community of women and speak to the hearts of women she could confidently serve

  • Creating an intentional ‘Archetypal Photoshoot’ to fully express her unique soul remedy

  • Creating ‘Events’ to give people a taster of her work and trial her path

  • Cultivating her radiant presence on Social Media, healing her fears of being seen and sharing her unique healing story (her Archetypal Remedy)

  • Creating a process for Discovery Calls and learning how to hold and love women in their fears of stepping into healing journeys, healing her own triggers around this

  • Enrolling 1:1 Clients for 3 and 6 month journeys

  • Increasing her childcare to several days a week

  • Learning to create her business from the energetic of the soft, tender feminine, rather than hustle and force

  • Becoming more intimate with her money stories and responsibility around money - creating Cash Flow forecasts, and celebrating her money milestones

  • Creating Signature Workshops, Talks and Experiences to share with other communities, to increase her visibility 

  • Becoming particularly visible and known for her work by experts in her particular field - including being invited to be a paid speaker for her wisdom

  • Becoming visible at events and sharing her wisdom on podcasts - healing her visibility wounds as a healer

  • Developing systems to automate and support her to flow in her expression of her Feminine gifts

Where Olivia is Now:

Olivia is a different woman to the woman I met three years ago, who longed to step into her gifts but wasn’t really clear on what her gifts were - and felt all the fear of doing so (especially of approval).

She has deeply devoted to living her soul’s true purpose, learning how to keep choosing that no matter the fear and challenge that shows up along the way.  This has allowed her to discover her unique gifts and own her true expression and meaningful purpose as a healer.  She has developed a clear healing path that women resonate with. She is confidently offering and expressing her gifts into the world as a Mystical Birth Guide and Teacher, guiding women who have experienced baby loss and infertility on their conception, pregnancy and birth journeys, with beautiful testimonials.  She has enrolled 1:1 clients for 6 month journeys and one off soul readings, creating an income for herself from her healing gifts. She shares her unique Archetypal Remedy deeply and vulnerably via social media, at events, on podcasts, and is beginning to be sought-after as a speaker, and is growing an active community.

Olivia is still journeying with me, to deepen her healing and expand her soul business - particularly around becoming her fullest radiant expression and magnetism, expressing her remedy with even deeper visibility and impact and owning the creation of her expanding business from the nurturing energy of Feminine soft-power. She is still healing some of the healer wounds she has illuminated, in deeper spirals of them as her vision expands - there’s still a self-doubt and money fear that still sneaks in for some deep love as she grows her business; and yet, the most powerful thing she takes away is that she has learned how to hold herself in that and illuminate what’s needed for her own self-healing and soul reclamation.

She’s a shining light for what’s truly possible, even amidst the deep fear of the seeming ‘impossibility’ of a huge vision to become a healer.


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