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Authentic Or Perfect: Is Your 'Perfection Block' Stopping You Being Real?

Authentic Or Perfect: Is Your 'Perfection Block' Stopping You Being Real?

โ€œIt's your STORY of how you've overcome and healed your imperfections that will be a gift to your audienceโ€

- Nicole Barton



One of the things my women often really struggle with - particularly in that time of transition into creating their own spiritual healing business - is being a perfectionist. And, oh my, do I know this one well as it's one I've worked with deeply.

My women will usually know they struggle with this block - this desire to be seen as 'perfect.' They've often flown quite high in their careers - and they'll be used to working hard to get everything 'just right' before it's shown to the world.

If this is you, it's likely you'll *know* you hit up against this block - and that it distracts you from just getting on with releasing what you want to create in your business. From putting offers out, to accepting speaking opportunities, to truly learning to discover who you are - and even to showing up on Insta at all (I see you with things to say, hiding in the corner).

And yet, one of your CORE VALUES is *AUTHENTICITY*.

๐Ÿ”ฅIt's like you're in a constant war between longing to show up authentically - and being compelled to show up as if you've got everything nailed already (even though you secretly know you haven't!).

The challenge is, when you come into the healing world and want to be a leader, it's critical to show up as yourself - because it's your STORY of how you've overcome and healed your imperfections that will be a gift to your audience. It's what will have you connect and be magnetic (much more effectively than any of those lead magnet tools you hate!).

Not only that, but this perfection block has you:

๐Ÿ–ค Delay everything until you've got the perfect shiny package (and in reality it'll be a perfect shiny package that isn't grounded in any live data about who your audience is, what they want and who you're actually here to serve - and what your gifts are - because it's the showing up imperfectly in the mess that has us learn that)

๐Ÿ–ค Wait for things - and timing - to feel "just right" before you take any action (leaving you taking very little action at all)

๐Ÿ–ค Hiding away from any potential opportunities that come your way - not sharing your story in case people judge you or think you're shameful, or a failure

๐Ÿ–ค Working to the point of burn out - over-preparing everything you create (just like you did in your corporate career)

What you may not realise is that this is all due to deeper SHADOW that underlies this block. A deep fear of not being enough as you are, perhaps - or some other reason.

And you might write that off as "I know it's just a block and I'll be fine" - but


You've been used to surface level, love and light healing so far - where affirmations have been your go-to.

But I promise you, no amount of "I'm perfect just as I am" is going to help you truly INTEGRATE your authentic expression.

Because it simply overrides and suppresses the deeper wounds that are begging for some love.

You love to hold space for other women - but isn't it time to hold space for the tender, younger parts of YOURSELF that are unconsciously creating for you from these wounds?

The question is: how long are you prepared to pay the price of staying in the illusion of PERFECT? The costs of showing up with the perfect Insta grid, and waiting for everything to be lined up before you begin are that it's disconnecting you from women who long for your much-needed healing gifts, it's burning you out, and it's having you hide your authentic expression (which is your medicine).

If you're good with that, that's cool.

If not, then it's time for magical, Feminine soul healing. It's time to go into the deep, dark work of shadow and learn to tend to your inner little girl until she knows she can simply be HERSELF.

๐ŸŒน It's the one thing that will have you leading the Feminine healing business, serving your gifts, that you so deeply long for (and were born here for). ๐ŸŒน

So, what's the story that's underlying your need for perfection? It's time to dig a little deeper.

This perfectionism is part of the Witch Wound, and it's our Archetypal Apothecary remedy AURUM (Gold) that helps you truly heal the unconscious patterning around perfectionism and be able to show up as their authentic, powerful selves. 'Like cures like' is the law that underlies our modality - the spirit of Gold will show you the way to real, magical healing of this wound so you can own your darkness and create and show up fully as *you*, in your full, authentic power.

More coming soon. For now, listen to our Secret Witch Show - the latest episode is a gift all about healing our unconscious shadow. It's 'perfect' for helping you begin to heal this.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x