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Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

"Now, it is an embodiment practice that I recommend to all the women who walk this path - because we can harness this art to embody the woman we want to become. I often invite women to adorn themselves with something that represents the Archetypal Remedy they are working with, for example Gold jewellery for Aurum."

~ Nicole Barton

Do you shame your powerful Feminine full expression?

I have changed somewhat in how much of the 'glamorous' side of me I'm willing to express - even in what could be seen as 'mundane' situations. 

I wore this to visit a potential school today, to decide about where and when to send Miss L for her education. I realised, as I went out the door, that most people probably wouldn't wear a beautiful white fluffy coat (from the moment I put it on I felt magical) and bright red lips to such a mundane event. I most certainly wouldn't have done in the past. 

And though I was always actually raised to wear 'pretty' dresses (and not jeans because they weren't 'Feminine' - I specify that because the appreciation for Feminine beauty in early life is actually quite a rare experience, and part of my gift) - somewhere in life, I learned to *shame* the part of me that loved Feminine glamour. 

The path that will help you move from dull, grey lives to a life of healing and meaning…

The path that will help you move from dull, grey lives to a life of healing and meaning…

Archetypal Apothecary offers sacred technologies that stands on ancient legs to help you heal and become who you were born here to be.”

~ Nicole Barton

Unlike many other coaching and spiritual modalities out there, our work in the Archetypal Apothecary path is grounded in ancient sacred magical art + science - with the intention to help you heal the fears that arise in that messy part of the transition from mundane lives into opening to healing and deeper meaning.

The main foundations of our path being Homeopathy, so we thought we’d share more about how our path was formed.

3 Places to Self-Heal to Move from Mundane to Magical Lives

3 Places to Self-Heal to Move from Mundane to Magical Lives

These three things have been invaluable to my journey of creating a juicy, fulfilling, meaningful life.  That’s why they are the ancient legs - and compass - of my modality.”

~ Nicole Barton

If there were a compass that helped us navigate the journey in our Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School ‘boat’ from mundane to creating meaningful lives, it would have three directions.

The idea is that if you reclaim your healing of the following three directions on the compass, then you’ll eventually end up opening to deep healing of yourself - deeper love, health + groundedness.

Those three directions are shown beautifully here by our Venn diagram.

I remember the day it all came crashing down…

I remember the day it all came crashing down…

I believe that was my first 'adult' initiation into what I now know to be "soul".”

~ Nicole Barton

I remember the day it all came crashing down. I sobbed in the toilet at work - I'd had a drama over stock not coming in on time for the brand I managed, sales teams chasing me, customers angry, and I was drowning in spreadsheets up to my ears (which I *hated*), trying to sort it out. My head felt like it exploded, everything was fuzzy and I couldn't breathe.

At home life wasn't much less grey - I'd suffered with an infection after a minor op, my beloved granny had died, and I had just bought a house that needed so much renovation that myself and my then partner couldn't live in it, so we were up to our eyeballs in dust.

On top of that, just prior, I'd worked full time, whilst studying for my MBA *and* having a part time job.

You could say I was the kind of girl who had an "I can do anything" attitude; the kind that said "I can do anything, so let's just do it all - just pile it on my plate and I'll get to it." Which very often led to emotional meltdown as I realised that I had no boundaries and wasn't as robotic as I'd assumed.

I was the kind of girl who worked until 3am answering every email with perfectionist detail, double checking I'd signed my name correctly, or not misspelled someone's name on the email, in case they got upset.

What price are you paying by not choosing soul expression?

What price are you paying by not choosing soul expression?

  This choice to sacrifice your soul - in order to gain security, control or approval - is often deeply unconscious as the sacrifice you are making by not choosing yourself.  

~ Nicole Barton

One of the common fears that has magical women dance around beginning to walk the path of soul and magic (which I love, by the way - imagine, in your head that I’m dancing with you) is that the cost of living in soul alignment can seem expensive.  

This fear can be of the time investment, financial investment, or the deeper costs of the energetic commitment to showing up to do the deep work - or it can be in the other ways it appears to cost us to step fully into our vision.

Examples of these costs could be us having to give up the way of being that we know feels safe - in the case of our Naja crucible, we have have to be willing to step into the mystery, the unknown, and be willing to give up the shield of armour that we wear to protect ourselves from deeper intimacy - to show up vulnerably. 

Like Cures Like = The Witch Cures The Witch Wound

Like Cures Like = The Witch Cures The Witch Wound

 “ Because it is our STORY that connects with others and creates an ENERGETIC RESONANCE that provides HEALING (or expansion).”

~ Nicole Barton

The core principle of our work here at Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School is that ‘like cures like’ - and this basis is grounded in the Universal law and magical principle of “similia similbus”.

It essentially means that to have IMPACT in this world as leaders, we have to show up in the fullest EXPRESSION of our souls and shine our light so that it reaches others.

Because it is our STORY that connects with others and creates an ENERGETIC RESONANCE that provides HEALING (or expansion).

This is why reclaiming our unique and true soul expression is a requirement for us to share our gifts in the world.

Are you going to let fear of rejection stop you from creating a magical business?

Are you going to let fear of rejection stop you from creating a magical business?

Sharing, vulnerably, the deepest truth of who we are, courageously - is the most terrifying thing there is - And yet it’s also the most impactful thing we can do, if we are here to be healers and make a difference in the world. 

~ Nicole Barton

I was labelled “mute” when I was in my childhood trauma.  That label stayed with me for most of my life - I remember crying every day I went home from school and had been asked to speak in class, I hid from other children and kept myself to myself - armoured up, just in case I’d be rejected again (because my Dad left, when I was 4 and I was doing everything I could to not have that pain again).

And so, when I came to creating a magical business, it was a real journey of liberating my voice.

I remember firstly starting with writing - that felt safe, and I had a lot to say, so I started sharing on a blog.  And then came the social media criticism - 

The Universe isn’t going to choose alignment FOR you, my love.

 The Universe isn’t going to choose alignment FOR you, my love.

 In our business, if we wait to take action until we have clarity, then we will never have clarity - because it’s in the action and expression that truth is revealed.

~ Nicole Barton

Oof, that’s a bit of a potent and triggering one, if we feel into it honestly, isn’t it?  I meant it’s probably one that will mess with your spiritual paradigm for sure, so I’m here to love you in that.

And, I mean, on one hand, there is a truth that the Universe and spirit often does actually choose for us - because we’ve not taken the aligned action to choose for ourselves…

But is that REALLY how we want to be living?  Floating around, ‘seeing what happens’ and ‘waiting to see what clarity we get’ but not hearing any ‘inner guidance’?

Lost, confused in our transitions, without an inner sense of guidance?

Do you Struggle to Trust your Guides?

Do you Struggle to Trust your Guides?

 “ What’s more vulnerable to admit is I look back and see how I blamed them for that, instead of taking the beautiful lessons that came out of it and owning my power.  I had one really big initiation with this, in which I outsourced my power to a guide, and paid tonnes thinking that they would ‘fix’ my problems.  And the biggest takeaway I got from that was that I was giving my power away to someone else.”

~ Nicole Barton

Oh have I journeyed with mistrusting my Guides over the years?  And this is a really common fear that comes up when magical women are thinking about joining our Mystery School to discover their purpose + create a business from them.

I have had many a Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Mentor, Coach + Soul Guide over the years, ranging in investment from a few hundred pounds to tens of thousands - and in truth, when working with many of them, I’ve hit up against not creating what I wanted to create.

It feels vulnerable to share that - and against the grain when I’m here to guide women myself, but in my journey with guides from the self-help and personal development world I took away very little of what I’d hoped to gain.

Your Feminine Expression Liberation Survival Guide

Your Feminine Expression Liberation Survival Guide

 “ One of the challenges that magical women hit up against in creating their soul business is intimacy in their RELATIONSHIPS - where they fear their full expression not being welcome, and shut down. If this is a struggle, it’s really a sign we need to heal our Witch Wound.”

~ Nicole Barton

Here’s our survival guide…

Open your heart + lean in to your triggers- know that intimacy triggers are part of the process of your Divine Feminine liberation + welcome them with open arms to reveal more about how you can step into leadership from soul purpose.  Triggers are happening FOR us, not TO us.

Go gently on yourself - remember the key to liberation is LOVE - whatever comes up for you as a block as you learn to express yourself is wanting you to learn how to hold your expansion by being more loving to yourself - and lean how to be your full self in relationship.

How to Align with + Express your Soul Purpose

How to Align with + Express your Soul Purpose

 “ You’ve a unique set of healing gifts - your Medicina - that you were put here on earth to serve to the collective.  It isn’t your tools that are your gifts; it’s YOU.”

~ Nicole Barton

Realise that you were born here for a reason - you’ve a unique set of healing gifts - your Medicina - that you were put here on earth to serve to the collective.  It isn’t your tools that are your gifts; it’s YOU.

Set an intention - it sounds obvious, but if you’re not being intentional about aligning with your soul purpose, it won’t happen - let’s get specific.  Show up every day with an intention to align - and then it’s inevitable that you’ll become the woman you’re meant to be.

Which stage of Expression are you in? Good Girl / Rebel / Soul

Which stage of Expression are you in?  Good Girl / Rebel / Soul

 “ In the journey to true soul expression, we often move through different stages of relational healing until we arrive at true soul expression.  It’s not linear - it’s likely we will bounce around moving between the different stages - but it IS likely you’ll be in one of them more often then another. ”

~ Nicole Barton

Three Stages of Soul Expression - for Magical Business

These are three common ones that filter into the way we relate: Good Girl, Rebel, Soul

Are you Feeling Triggered by me?

Are you Feeling Triggered by me?

 “ In peeking, courageously, into that mirror she saw her own power to fully express her own magic.”

~ Nicole Barton

It takes a deep level of courage to choose into this work - often the choosing of the work itself is an initiation. And I'm here to love you in that.

I felt such a depth of love this morning for a magical woman who courageously opened to share with me, very powerfully, that she was feeling triggered by me. She's given me permission to share this, as it feels deeply serving.

Her message arrived to my inbox to let me know she was considering joining Naja, because she'd been feeling strangely drawn to it and was being nudged by magical synchronicity - a Snake arrived at her front door (she's not the first woman to share this)

It's not Soul vs Business

It's not Soul vs Business

 “If a union is to take place between opposites like spirit and matter, conscious and unconscious, bright and dark, and so on, it will happen in a third thing, which represents not a compromise but something new.”

~ Carl Jung


Something that magical women often fear is that they have to make a choice between living from soul OR creating a business. As if the business side of things will have them quivering in the corner, a nervous, burdened and burned out mess.

And I saw this week that one of the gifts I've not yet owned very boldly out loud as part of my soul-business support is my branding and PR expertise. 

Do you Need to Cultivate Connection to your Womb?

Do you Need to Cultivate Connection to your Womb?

  “Our wombspace is one of the portals to our souls - so it’s critical to connect with our wombs when we are journeying more deeply into our true expression - into the highest potential of our souls. ”

~ Nicole Barton

⭐️🐍Do you Need to Cultivate Connection to your Womb?🐍⭐️

Our wombspace is one of the portals to our souls - so it’s critical to connect with our wombs when we are journeying more deeply into our true expression - into the highest potential of our souls.  Here’s a simple exercise to begin to harness Archetypal Snake energy + connect into your womb:

This is My King

This is My King

 "One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.” 

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Living our medicine requires the same as us as it requires for us in relationship - full, true, vulnerable expression. To be our gift requires us to be open, honest and courageous. To have the devotion to unite with our souls. 

Because 'like cures like' - and for people to be able to see us as the medicine, they need to be able to feel our hearts and see our own alchemy. 

Living from full expression of soul requires Naja 

Trusting Our Medicine Guides

Trusting Our Medicine Guides

 "It is the privilege of a lifetime to become who we really are."

~ Carl Jung


I'm feeling the enormity of my vision at the moment and yet, I've shifted - in my choice to own my power - from a sense of shadowy overwhelm (because, let's be honest, I've got soooo much to tell you about my modality and how it works) into a sense of pure excitement. 

Discovering Our Gifts vs Our Medicina

Discovering Our Gifts vs Our Medicina

“So we can chase all the gifts we like, chalk up all the experience in the world of new skills, but it's invoking + living our MEDICINA that makes the deepest healing impact on Earth. “

~ Nicole Barton


Something I've come to see in the last few years is that there's a huge difference between knowing our GIFTS and knowing our MEDICINA. 

Mostly, until I discovered the path of soul descent, I had been searching very hard, externally, for my GIFTS.

Healing The Leader Wound

Healing The Leader Wound

“People are silently begging to be led.”

~ Jay Abraham


"People are silently begging to be led." Jay Abraham

I was reminded of this quote the other day and it made me laugh as my experience has not always been that of wanting to be led. And neither is this true of my women at times, when they are in their Leader Wound.

Throw Away that Self Sabotage Beaty-Stick

Throw Away that Self Sabotage Beaty-Stick

“Love is the missing alchemist in much of today's personal development world. And it's the KEY ingredient in REAL MAGIC + shadow work. When we see that our patterns are unconsciously - innocently - being created from some story of our little wounded girl, only then can we choose to soften and see what's really there. ”

~ Nicole Barton


Let's cut through the social feed and get really - lovingly - honest for a moment.

One of the major reasons powerful women have big visions - to create freedom via businesses from their gifts - and yet they continue to PLAY SMALL (despite knowing that they are here for more) is that they self-sabotage.