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Can I really TRUST magic?

Can I really TRUST magic?


"But more importantly, there's a practical way we can learn to tend ourselves in the fears that *will* inevitably arise along the journey deeper - and that is the work of learning to have self-compassion, love the parts of our little girls that are trying to keep us safe.”

~ Nicole Barton

How to tend the fear of healing yourself and choosing a more meaningful, soul-led life of *more* purpose...

One thing I hear the most from women who are feeling the call to healing themselves magically and creating their lives differently - perhaps opening to their deeper sense of purpose and meaning, or some secret hidden healing gifts they sense they have (but feel terrified of) - is that of "can I really TRUST magic?"

There's often a preference for ‘logic’ in these women - and an (understandable) resistance to trusting the unknown. 

What they really say - because often they can't actually see that's the underlying fear - is:

🖤 Is magic real?

🖤 Can I really heal, magically?

🖤 Am I capable of creating magic?

🖤 Do I even *have* gifts?

🖤 How did you choose it?

🖤 I'm not sure I can trust it to work out.

🖤 I can see it works for you, but it won't for me

🖤 I'm scared of losing control 

The heartbreaking thing they're really asking in this is:

💔 Can I really trust this strange call I have in my heart?

💔 Can I really trust my body's wisdom?

💔 Can I open vulnerably to trusting LIFE?

And first and foremost, it's helpful to see that these are innocent FEARS arising (as fears always do, along this path into our gifts).

The challenge is, largely, we are not equipped with the magical lens of healing and alchemising fear, with love, in our culture. 

There's the typical approaches taught in the mainstream lens:

⚡ 1. "Feel the fear and do it anyway" - in which we push on through, quit our jobs, dive fully in and burn our nervous systems into the ground 


🥀 2. Ignore the call to our hearts entirely, suppressing and rejecting any notion of possibility. 

But for sensitive women who are here for *more* - for a deeper, more meaningful purpose, these lenses aren't helpful. 

And if you want to create a different life, that logical lens that got you *here* won't be the same lens that gets you where you want to go…

What I will say, is that firstly, it’s unlikely you’d feel any kind of call to magic if you didn’t "have" magic. I've not met a woman yet who felt the tug of her heart to something more meaningful that didn't have gifts. 

But more importantly, there's a practical way we can learn to tend ourselves in the fears that *will* inevitably arise along the journey deeper - and that is the work of learning to have self-compassion, love the parts of our little girls that are trying to keep us safe. 

If we can allow ourselves to see that our little girl has stories about magic that she has learned at a young age, that may not BE true, but FEEL true, a whole new possibility starts to open up.

And if we can tend our nervous systems and let them know that we are safe, then we start to be able to rewrite a new story. 

This is the work that has us be able to begin to choose differently and open to our deeper purpose and possibility. This is what helped me to create life more magically, step into my healing gifts and make impact in the world. 

It also magically healed a whole host of other things - but in itself showed me that I could trust magic and life, and my soul to lead me (via my body's nudges).

We won't see the possibility for magic, unless we choose to softly, and tenderly begin to open to it. 

And I know that's scary - that's why I've created Rosa - our 4 week, low investment journey, starting October 19th, to help women learn to tend their bodies and start to have more self-compassion and open their hearts just a little bit to possibility. 

You don't need to do anything drastic like quitting your job, leaving your relationship or selling your home to begin - you don't have to freefall entirely - you can just start walking, now, at a very slow pace - if that's what aligned. 

And it begins with learning how to access your ‘inner apothecary’ of Archetypal Remedies so you can begin to heal yourself.

It's the very tender first steps into discovering your life of *more* meaning, and there's only love here for you as you dip your toes in and learn how to magically hold yourself.

The question is, will you let yourself lean in and love your little girl, who is trying to keep you safe, in order to join us?

And what are you choosing instead, if you don't?

Click here to claim your space

If you’d like more support in choosing whether Rosa is for you, just click reply as I’m here with an open heart and oodles of love for any woman who is feeling both the deep call *and* the terrifying fear.  I know what it requires to fully choose to open to your healing power (whether for yourself or others), so know that all is welcome and I’m here if you need to ask anything.

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x