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I Want Scientific Evidence

I Want Scientific Evidence

β€œYour over reliance on logic and linearity is what has had you burn out in your professional career - and had you open your heart to spirituality and magic in the first place.”

~ Nicole Barton


One of the biggest blocks that magical women hit up against when wanting to more deeply own her Spiritual gifts and create a legitimate professional business from them is their own BRILLIANCE.

By that, I'm referring to the intelligent parts of them that have learned to over-rely on logic and the linear structures of society.

Their fear? That magic doesn't fit into a logical linear box. And, more deeply, that they will be called a 'charlatan' if they go outside the box. That they, in their (your) magical truth aren't "enough".

I get it - I was a homeopath for many years which gets some of the biggest amounts of negative press about being placebo. But I KNOW in every fiber of my cells that magic is real. And I trust it - over and over again. It's never failed.

My women may not know this is even a deeper fear - but they will be aware of their penchant for science, for logic, for wanting to know all the answers (oh hello there, control shadow ). It will have you:

πŸ–€ Avoid owning your spiritual gifts

πŸ–€ Dilute your magic into a more playable box

πŸ–€ Geek out on all the science to 'justify' your methods

πŸ–€ Serve your magic on the side of something else

πŸ–€ Run back to the mundane fixes when you hit up against a health challenge.

πŸ–€ Burn out because you're hiding your real self

πŸ–€ Doubt your gifts

πŸ–€ Lack clarity on who you are here to serve and not know how to reach your audience

πŸ–€ Doubt you can actually make money from magic

πŸ–€ Feel you don't KNOW ENOUGH.

And the shame of it is - your over reliance on logic and linearity is what has had you burn out in your professional career - and had you open your heart to spirituality and magic in the first place.

πŸ’₯ TRUTHBOMB: You secretly KNOW magic is REAL. At least, your body does. πŸ’₯

πŸ”Ί So why are you always looking for more proof?

I'll tell you why - your shadow wants to know that you are safe. Your inner little girl isn't letting herself fully submit to the gifts she was born with - that she once believed in, but hid because magic wasn't deemed "acceptable."

So, you hide in books about neuroscience, thinking that your audience will accept that and you can sneak your magic in on the side. [Don't get me wrong, neuroscience is great - as long as it's not an unconscious distraction from your magic because you don't feel you "know enough"].

❌ My love, what are the COSTS of that? From here, they appear huge. You're not living as who you were born as - from alignment, from your true expression. And that's exhausting to think you have to show up perfectly to fit in.

✨ You KNOW you are magical. You feel it in your cells.

And to be honest, my heart is breaking about this because the world NEEDS your spiritual gifts.

You're intuitive, you see signs and synchronicities, you hear and feel and see things, you see magic working. You know it in your bones.

⚑So why dim your light?

Magic is just all the things that science and intellect can't YET understand. To dismiss your gifts based on that is a tragedy.

[πŸͺ„ Plus, much of magic IS actually being explained by science now, too - it's not even an 'either/or' scenario]

Are you really going to let your control shadow's longing for "proof" keep choosing "logic over magic" for you forever - and stop you living your legacy?


PS if this is you, our most listened to episode with Magical Scientist, Dean Radin, will be deeply healing for you as he explains his own scientific research into magic - click here to listen to full episode.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x