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I was struck this morning at the reminder of the level of courage that's truly required to walk the path of magical healing

I was struck this morning at the reminder of the level of courage that's truly required to walk the path of magical healing


"This work with Archetypal Remedies is the work of two of the most powerful ancient wisdom bodies I know of, working in union. It is a potent unity of the work of Homeopathy combined with Jungian Archetypal depth psychology. Two of the most powerful ancient wisdom bodies helping you to unite with your soul and *become* a medicine woman - firstly for yourself, and then for others.”

~ Nicole Barton

I was struck this morning at the reminder of the level of courage that's truly required to walk the path of magical healing - for both personal healing and the path of becoming a healer (which are really one and the same).

Often, women arrive at the path of magic after an initiation of health of some kind - whether physical, mental or emotional - where they've struggled to create any long-lasting change within the mainstream medical system.

And I know in my bones that 'The Way' for these sensitive ones is always to be found in magical healing.

Yet I can easily forget, at times - because of how fully I trust in the magical lens of healing - how much courage it takes to begin to step tenderly into that way of being.

How much courage it truky takes to even begin to TRUST magical healing.

I can sometimes forget the courage it takes to step out of blindly following doctors, and into trusting *ourselves* to heal.

It was a real journey for me of learning to do that - yet it was one of over a decade ago. And this morning I had a real moment of realising the level of courage and trust it can take to fully step into this magical healing.

Even the word "magical" healing can make it somehow more ethereal, less tangible-feeling at times, too - and therefore less "trust-worthy". Because the word "magic" is really misunderstood as "fantasy", rather than its true meaning of transformation.

Yet the truth is, real magic is grounded in tangible change.

For me the magical healing lens has become second nature. Because day in and day out, I see the synchronicities and the magical transformation and things being revealed to women (and myself) to help them alchemise and move into a different state and heal another layer.

I have the privilege of witnessing this transformation in many women - and have done for a decade.

I see how one layer of healing will be activated - and then magically reveal the next layer for healing, physical, emotional and mental symptoms of old showing themselves again for healing things that have been suppressed over a lifetime. And I see how if we choose to bravely follow that, we reclaim more and more of our true selves.

I see how we are all like onions with layers of trauma that want peeling back to be seen, heard and felt. And how Archetypal Remedies peel those back and reveal the next layer, and the next, until we eventually return to the wholeness of our soul's core.

And because I see it *all* the time - and because I've witnessed miracles in all sorts of 'unhealable' things - it's easier to believe and trust in the possibility.

Yet, at one time, I had to muster the courage to believe in this way.

This work with Archetypal Remedies is the work of two of the most powerful ancient wisdom bodies I know of, working in union. It is a potent unity of the work of Homeopathy combined with Jungian Archetypal depth psychology. Two of the most powerful ancient wisdom bodies helping you to unite with your soul and *become* a medicine woman - firstly for yourself, and then for others.

And the truth is: It does NOT work like mainstream medicine - not even close (there's no fixing by me here, this work is all yours and grounded in your own wisdom).

And it might not work like medicine we have been conditioned to believe in, but it *is* medicine. To trust that implicitly at the beginning is hard - especially when it's often unclear what is being revealed, and what is calling for healing.

It's messy, deep, and requires vulnerability, trust and courage - and a willingness to take full - and *loving* - self-responsibility.

My most recent time of needing to have full trust in magical healing was 3 years ago when my face was paralysed and I doubted - I remember asking, begging the 'Homeopathy Gods: that this magical medicine would work "this time, again". Mainstream medicine told me I'd never heal my face; three years on, I'm 99% healed, and still have faith the final 1% will heal.

3 years ago when I gave birth my faith was tested too - I remember being in so much pain I couldn't even sit down, just before I left the hospital, and desperate to go home and get out of "the system", I finally caved and begged for morphine (which I'd refused the whole time, trusting my remedies). Whilst waiting for it to arrive, I tried one last homeopathic remedy (it can take some work to get the closest remedy / similimum) and *instantly* all my pain was gone. It felt like a miracle, even though I'd witnessed it over and over in patients. I sat down, refused the morphine when it came, and walked out with my baby, and journeyed home in the car.

The challenge for most women is that there's often no logical rhyme or reason for the way these magical healing wisdom bodies work. There are sciences behind them, and plenty of research being done - but "magic" is literally the word for everything that is yet to be understood by science. And science is what we've been conditioned to believe.

But the point is this; we need to learn to trust our *own* embodied experience of the art and science of magical healing. And we don't have to have full trust when we begin walking, we just have to have an openness to trusting.

I've now garnered enough embodied experience to *know* that Archetypal Remedies are "The Way."

If you're open and willing to lean in, tenderly, with an open heart, and begin walking The Way - if you have the courage to try a new way (even if it makes little logical sense), then you, too, can have an embodied experience of healing magically.

One that will likely change your life - aka create real, lasting *transformation* - which is the *true* definition of magic (creating change in accordance with soul will).

The question is; will you lean in, and open your heart to the courage required to try a new (sometimes illogical) way and open to creating embodied evidence to inform your confidence about magical healing?

What does that bring up for you? I'd love to know in the comments. Resistance welcome

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x