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It's not Soul vs Business

It’s not Soul vs Business


 “If a union is to take place between opposites like spirit and matter, conscious and unconscious, bright and dark, and so on, it will happen in a third thing, which represents not a compromise but something new.”

~ Carl Jung


Something that magical women often fear is that they have to make a choice between living from soul OR creating a business. As if the business side of things will have them quivering in the corner, a nervous, burdened and burned out mess.

And I saw this week that one of the gifts I've not yet owned very boldly out loud as part of my soul-business support is my branding and PR expertise. 

My lack of ownership of this has partly been intentional. In the same way that I consciously choose not to talk about 'money' as a main 'outcome' of my work (even though it is most definitely a side effect of creating a business from soul), I haven't shared my business mentorship capacity to a large degree because, quite simply, I'm building my business from integrity and didn't want to add to the shadowy "pyramid scheme" feeling of the coaching industry energetic which coaches coaches to sell coaching, selling all the materialistic dreams and making it sound like an easy, 5 minute journey.

Because my work isn't *that*.

Our Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School is a school with LOVE and TRUTH at its core. 

Its vision and purpose is to guide women back into their hearts, their deeper purpose - their SOULS, first and foremost. 

Alignment with who we came here to be is the deepest reward I've had from being in this work, even though I've had all the juicy materialistic rewards alongside. 

And still, it can be very hard to arrive there when we focus only on fear and material gain. I know this one well, believe me - and that's why I also don't want to bypass the material world, either. I feel the nuance and polarity of holding a vision whilst meeting ourselves where we are.

All that said, I'm arriving at a place whereby I feel it's time that I honour and reclaim my branding and PR gifts, much in the same way I reclaimed and honoured my Homeopathic lineage.

I've been writing for a few weeks now that Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School is a cross between a school of real Feminine magic for women who want to discover their deepest soul gifts and a Magical Business Academy serving soul business nuance to help women actualise their medicine in the world. 

And it really is. So I have to credit myself for my corporate Branding Career and my 'success' in PR, because at one point I did purely teach branding to healers, and I have been visible in all sorts of media over the last decade - I 'used' to be a writer and I've been in so many publications it means I've literally taught magic to millions (and helped others to become visible too). I know how to connect + tell an Archetypal story + I've glittered in blogs + magazines, on podcasts + radio + at festivals, including:

 ⭐️ Soul + Spirit

 ⭐️ Tiny Buddha

 ⭐️ Kindred Spirit 

 ⭐️ Holistic Therapist Magazine 

 ⭐️ Yoga Magazine 

 ⭐️ Oh Magazine 

 ⭐️ Badass Women's Hour (Talk Radio)

And many, many others - as well as manifesting dream guests for my podcast (the first one, multi million copy best selling 'Four Agreements' author Don Miguel Ruiz, whose agency approached me!). 

In honestly, I realised I gloss over these achievements - largely because today, soul led living is so important that 'success' looks so *different*. 

AND I realise, Business and Soul aren't separate. What we are doing in this path is creating from soul so that the Soul Vs Business polarity is no longer a CHOICE between the two, like women often think it is. We can create both a soul-led life AND a juicy business, from living that life. 

It's feeling particularly important to reclaim this, given the movement I'm here to lead being about PEOPLE being MEDICINE. 

If 'like cures like' means that we need to be fully expressed and visible for the women who are LIKE US to find us and our medicine, then both branding (especially knowing our niche) and PR (making connections to share our Archetypal story) are crucial.

We can only know our niche by doing the deep work to discover our unique gift from our wounds. 

And we can only be visible in PR if we know how to embody and express our Archetypal Remedy.

These branding and PR strategies are BAKED into the medicine in our path. 

It's Archetypal Feminine soul and magic, first and foremost. Magic is THE WAY. 

*And*, if you're also looking for a Guide with embodied grounding in the foundations of the logical linear world, but who has embodied them in a purely Feminine and MAGICAL way, then our path is well and truly grounded in spiritual business, branding + PR nuance for heart and soul-led leaders. 

The Archetypal Apothecary Remedies literally help you to niche and share your story, but from Feminine soul and magic. From alignment and truth. From love, not fear. And you'll learn it as you live into your life from a more soul-led place. 

As with everything SOUL: it's never an either/or. 

Carl Jung said (I was sent this quote by one of my most precious guides this week) - “If a union is to take place between opposites like spirit and matter, conscious and unconscious, bright and dark, and so on, it will happen in a third thing, which represents not a compromise but something new.”

Archetypal Apothecary is that something new. 

It's the union of soul + Feminine business, in one delicious journey. 

And I'm owning it. 

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x