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Like Cures Like = The Witch Cures The Witch Wound

Like Cures Like = The Witch Cures The Witch Wound


 “ Because it is our STORY that connects with others and creates an ENERGETIC RESONANCE that provides HEALING (or expansion).”

~ Nicole Barton

The core principle of our work here at Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School is that ‘like cures like’ - and this basis is grounded in the Universal law and magical principle of “similia similbus”.

It essentially means that to have IMPACT in this world as leaders, we have to show up in the fullest EXPRESSION of our souls and shine our light so that it reaches others.

Because it is our STORY that connects with others and creates an ENERGETIC RESONANCE that provides HEALING (or expansion).

This is why reclaiming our unique and true soul expression is a requirement for us to share our gifts in the world.

This is especially needed for magical women, because full expression is usually the one thing they fear most - and it has them avoid intimacy in their relationships.

And it’s a relational wound that’s a deeper fear of being REJECTED + OUTCAST.

This wound can show up in life in the way we:

✨ Wear a mask and hide our real selves

✨ Fear opening our hearts to others

✨ Struggle in building relationships where we can be authentic

✨ Mistrust others - men + women

✨ Play the people-pleaser, putting our needs last

And in our businesses, in the way we:

⚡️ Avoid making connections

⚡️ Avoid showing up on social media, or at events

⚡️ Avoid sharing the truth we want to speak - not using our voices

⚡️ Avoid writing that book, pitching that talk, or sending that vital business offer.

Ultimately, it’s a symptom of the Witch Wound - because magical ones were literally rejected and outcast - and killed - for expressing their magical healing gifts and earning money from them.

That’s why, given Like Cures Like, the Witch as an Archetypal Remedy herself, is medicine for these deeper fears.

And it’s why her Archetypal Apothecary needs to be harnessed for deep healing.

If you want to learn how to connect to your true soul, beyond the mask you wear, open to loving your full expression - and all so that you can open to discovering + serving your deeper gifts as a business - then you’ll want to begin that journey with Naja in 6 days.

I’ll not be running Naja again in this same way, or for this investment - so don’t delay - claim your space…

You are the medicine + you need to heal your fear of intimacy, rejection + judgement to express it fully.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x