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Soul Analyse Feature: Why Affirmations are So Much More than Just ‘Positive Thinking’

This is an article I wrote for Soul Analyse:

“There is nothing to fix; you are perfect as you are.” ~ Nicole Barton

The world has come to love affirmations – who doesn’t want to feel joyful in the midst of self-doubt, low mood or anxiety? We so often try and push these feelings away.

I should know, I’ve spent years in the past repeating various different affirmations to myself. I remember countless times where I would sit in front of the mirror and repeat over and over: “I am beautiful, I am whole, I am perfect.” The thing I realise now, though, is that is it all about how you use them!

Affirmations are so much more than just positive thinking.

Somewhere in the depths of the ‘affirmation movement,’ I feel the understanding of this beautiful approach to living more joyfully got lost. In my attempts to be more positive, I often used to sit in front of the mirror feeling like a failure. Why? Because I didn’t really, truly believe that I was beautiful, whole and perfect. Instead, I would sit there, trying to force myself to see it; when I felt nothing other than the complete opposite. In those moments, I would even think that I was failing at affirmations; I couldn’t even be successfully positive!

Click the link below to read the original article on Soul Analyse: