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This is My King

This is My King


 "One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.” 

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


I was driving home from a massage earlier and just felt so full of love for this man. This is the man who saw my soul for so many years (even though he doesn't believe in souls - he believes in North Stars - but that is a story for another day). The man with whom I have a deeply romantic love story - and a history of over 14 years. 

This is the man who has held me and supported me and honoured the fullness of me, even and especially when I couldn't do that for myself. 

And I'm emotional thinking about how much love I have for him. 

I was contemplating earlier how Archetypal Remedy, Naja's energy has been present in my life for many years. 

Because it wasn't always the way that our love story had us in Union (one of Naja's gifts is to unite us so we can express our deepest soul contract). 

For three years, my King and I didn't speak, and it was the most painful time of my life because it triggered my deepest wound of abandonment - I hounded him for a while trying to force the issue. This was also the time when I learned to truly step into loving myself - and he the same. There was so much alchemy.

At the end of those three years, I took what an unknown [Archetypal] energetic Remedy - that a soul sister had given me to unite me with my soul relationship - and magically, he messaged me, that very night, out of the blue (I'd not sent him any messages for a while).  I had the courage to show up vulnerably and share, without agenda, how I felt about him. 

Fast forward some messy and beautiful times, and here we are - with our gorgeous baby girl (who we knew would come into the world before she did).

I wonder, today, whether that anonymous remedy was Naja. It has the undertone of Unity with soul that Naja stands for, and it helped me vulnerably express from the heart.

Regardless of whether it was or not, at that particular time, I know at some point during those few years I did work with Naja. And this Unity with our hearts is the gift that Naja offers.

There's so much more I could say on our relationship, and really this is just a post of celebrating my love for the King he is. 

And, it's also a good illustration of the medicine available from Naja. She offers us the gifts of:

🐍 open-hearted vulnerable expression and deeper connection to our soul truth. 

As I mentioned to the women who came to my Luna Mysteryclass this week, we can tend to think that our business and life are separate - and yet, the deeper I step into soul business, the more I know that if a pattern plays out in our business it is because it has a deeper wound that is playing out in other areas too. 

Where we are shut down in our business, we are shut down, too, in life - and vice versa. 

Living our medicine requires the same as us as it requires for us in relationship - full, true, vulnerable expression. To be our gift requires us to be open, honest and courageous. To have the devotion to unite with our souls. 

Because 'like cures like' - and for people to be able to see us as the medicine, they need to be able to feel our hearts and see our own alchemy. 

Living from full expression of soul requires Naja 🐍

Afterall, as Clarissa Pinkola Estes says:

"One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.” 

I'm so glad I chose to open, because being with my King is one of my proudest and most soulful creations. 

Peter I love you. And I'm honoured to express that fully. 🌹👑♥️

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x