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Unravel a Life You Love in 2020 - without New Year’s Resolutions

Aren’t New Year’s Resolutions so old school?  I’ve literally had the mindset of setting goals and trying to ‘fix’ things each January that we don’t like about ourselves drilled into me for the entirety of my life; I have grown up in a society that sees fixing, changing and ‘doing’ as critical to our existence.  But what if in the new decade, we could see something different about this that offers us freedom?  Something which helps to address the dangerous epidemic of mental health suffering, with burnt-out, stress, anxiety overwhelm and depression, and shows people a new way this New Year, instead?

I wrote something recently that was shared on the London Underground quote’s board for January, which highlights this point well. It said this:

“Just because you can’t see the way forward at the moment, it doesn’t mean you’re not already walking it as it appears.”

~Nicole Barton, London Underground Board @ West Hampstead, 5/1/20

Today’s modern life is a hectic enough pace without us trying to predict the future, work out how to be the best version of ourselves, or ‘do’ more – and this external ‘seeking’ to change is also something that I have seen we don’t need.  We are already walking our path, without having to think or do anything. We are perfect as we are. As a society, we are also becoming increasingly disillusioned with the external ‘self-help’ industry which seeks to look for tools and techniques that take us further away from just simply being.  In my experience as a Life Mentor, and from my own journey, I see that our suffering comes purely from the belief that we need to change, and so I’m calling for us to ditch New Year’s Resolutions altogether, in favour of simply rediscovering our own inbuilt wisdom.

“We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for answers for many years; to fix and change the external – our homes, our jobs, our relationships, our thoughts - in our effort to be happier and more joyful, instead of looking at the simplicity of the fact that we have all the wisdom – all the answers we seek - already within us.  This is something which is embodied from birth but somehow we forget as we get lost in ideas that we need fixing, when instead we can embrace self-rediscovery.”

You see, we already have the answers we need within.  We already have the joy, peace, fulfillment, and capacity to create a life we love within us – it all comes from us, not anything in the external, and only when we can see that is when we can begin to find true, lasting freedom.

If we stop focusing on external seeking, and simply reconnect to the truth that we are already perfect and whole as we are, and we already have everything we need within us – even when we feel something is lacking or missing – it offers us the gift of just ‘being’.  In that space of the absence of thought, clarity comes through and we are offered the change to operate from a less busy mind, from a space within us that knows exactly what it loves.

“At times, we don’t have visibility of this space of wisdom.  We live such busy lives, full of ‘doing’ and ‘fixing’ that we spend much of our lives in burn-out.  When we operate from this space – the space of needing more, of pushing, of seeking and of needing – life becomes harder.  New Year’s Resolutions compound that; they encourage us to continue pushing and driving.  Yet, when we simply relax, we allow wisdom to come to us – from a place of flow.  What happens as a result is that we find freedom from all of our suffering - which is caused by our thinking and the angst of keeping up with modern society – and we drop out of our heads and back into our hearts.  From this space, we can simply flow with life and allow ourselves to unravel into – rather than force – a life we love.  That life simply shows up in the space of wisdom.”

The prescription for January 2020 – and the new decade, going, forward, as the antidote to our modern stress - should be what I call ‘Self-Rediscovery.’  I call for this New Year’s 'revolution' instead of resolutions, which allows us to instead dream of what we want to create freely from the heart and allow life to gently unfold, rather than trying to force, fix or change ourselves with toxic external goals that keep us in suffering with anxiety, overwhelm and burn-out.  Instead we need to just take lessons from nature about how there’s an intelligence behind life that lives us.

“When we observe the habits of our ancestors, from Eastern cultures to indigenous tribal communities - and even to nature - we can begin to see that they don’t turn to fixing themselves with New Year’s Resolutions to survive, but instead, they simply live, holding themselves in quiet space, and trusting the innate intelligence behind life.  This is where freedom from all our angst truly lies.”

If you would like some support, I invite you to join me and a whole host of leading speakers in my free, inspiring, live Self Rediscovery Online Summit this January 2020, filled with real, honest, open conversations to empower people back to their own innate wisdom as the first step into freeing people of suffering and empowering them to live life from the heart.

Alongside some leading inspirational speakers, who will be sharing their stories and insights in their subject areas, I’ll be exploring a range of taboo topics that people suffer with, and how we can move past these, and unravel a life we truly love.  We will be showcasing how we have everything we need within us, helping you see that all the answers are already inside and that we don’t need anything external to find lasting freedom – all we need is to see something different.  

Rediscover your innate power and unravel a life you love!  Sign up for the FREE Self Rediscovery Online Summit below:
