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Why I've Created Naja

🐍 Why I’ve Created Naja…🐍


“Naja will hold up a mirror to reveal things you’d not seen, and invite you into Feminine magic so that you can create your heart’s deepest desire to be in service as MEDICINE.”

I’m going to share vulnerably here - and my deepest hope is that my alchemy of my wounds and my journey into magic is the medicine you need in order to know what’s possible for us all as we walk the path of soul + magic…

And because I love providing alchemy - I’ll share an enquiry for you towards the end to help you begin this journey.

I struggled for almost a decade bringing my soul business into the world - and I felt the deep pain of that - it felt like I was floating around with a fantasy business, and I’d be hustling my ass off trying to figure out what I was doing wrong - all whilst knowing I had a bigger message to bring to the world - a deeper purpose.

I tried everything from logical, linear tools, to spiritual ascension, which had me floating around in ‘universiality’ and oneness, denying my very human gifts.

That’s when I eventually journeyed the spiritual descent into Feminine soul (ascension was still a very important part of the journey, and there was a Yes, AND - there’s more) and finally birthed my soul business as I desired. Along that route, thought, my business became a lens for all the places where I held deep wounds - and the portal to help me heal.

Because we have to heal ourselves in order to be healers.

I realised, along the way, that I was working with the technology I’d used my whole life - Archetypal Remedies - grounded in the sacred magical technology of homeopathy (because that was my lineage).  

My journey with homeopathy helped me heal, it peeled back layers - revealed things I didn’t expect and it showed me that any symptom we have - physical or emotional - any trigger - is all a sign we’ve hit up against another layer of wounding that stops us from being in the truth of our soul.

Anywhere we hit up against resistance is where our true expression is being blocked by our wounds - both personal, and ancestral.  

And this is especially true for magical women, who are here to alchemise the Witch wound - the fear of their expression. Oh do I know about that - navigating the Witch wound has had me heal and alchemise so much.

The Witch Wound is the secret hidden reason why women struggle to actualise their gifts - because of the fear of being burned at the stake, often they dilute themselves - sometimes even disbelieving in magic - + they try to fit their medicine into a linear, logical ‘palatable’ box in order to fit in, and be loved - so they aren’t rejected, judged and chased out the village with pitch forks.

I feel these women - because I am a Medicine Woman.

And I’ve journeyed to see that Medicine Women MUST claim their full expression - because it is THAT that is their deepest gift. What we heal for ourselves becomes our Heroine’s Journey - and a model for others that activates healing within themselves.

Back to my struggle to bring my business into the world, I came to see that I’d been using the Masculine lens to try and business my soul business - I thought my tools were my gifts, I thought I needed to do ‘xzy’ and then I’d be ok.  And I came to see something that changed everything:

I saw that It’s our Archetypal story that is Medicine for others - the way we have navigated our own transformation - and if we are not sharing that vulnerably because of the fear of expressing our true selves - then, that will have an impact on how we magnetise clients

There’s a universal principle that explains this + lies as the foundation of all our teaching in our Archetypal Apothecary Mystery School - ‘similia similibus’ - LIKE cures LIKE.

This presents a new opportunity - a new way to do magical business.  That’s grounded in our true, unique expression being our medicine.


And that’s why bypassing our humanity never created success.

So, here’s the enquiry I’ve love to offer you:

What comes up for you when you think of being seen in your full, true, Unique magical expression? 

If it’s fear, and some resistance to your unique magical expression, then it’s likely you’re a Witch.

The Witch needs to take her own medicine to heal her wounds.  Our Archetypal Apothecary is for Witches ready to dive into their souls, do the deep shadow work and inner child work that will help them reclaim the lost fragments of their souls and become who they were born to be.

And Naja is the first Archetypal Remedy we’re birthing - she’s the sensual, Feminine, hypnotic, ANIMAL of the Snake - she helps you connect to your soul, shed your skin of all old ways of hiding your true self that are old and dead and helps you begin to own, with the deepest of love, your unique self, your authentic voice, your full magical expression and you Femininity, so you can truly open to birthing + actualising your soul business.

So you can live ‘like cures lIke’ and so your heart-felt story can be shared to help heal the collective.

We’ll be working with sacred magical technology - soul work, shadow work, Archetypal work, inner child work, ritual, potion making, ancestral healing, ancient magical practice and Feminine embodiment to help you heal and create around these key pillars:

⭐️ Feminine soul healing

⭐️ Self-expression

⭐️ Owning your authentic voice

⭐️ Magnetising your desires + soul clients

It’s not like your typical business or spirituality teachings - this is magical business; which means it’s an initiation; Naja will hold up a mirror to reveal things you’d not seen, and invite you into Feminine magic so that you can create your heart’s deepest desire to be in service as MEDICINE.

If you’re ready to change your life and express your magic unapologetically - join us…