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Discovering Our Gifts vs Our Medicina

Discovering Our Gifts vs Our Medicina


So we can learn to hone all the gifts we like, chalk up all the experience in the world of new skills - and don’t get me wrong, that’s useful - AND yet, it's invoking + living our MEDICINA that makes the deepest healing impact on Earth. “

~ Nicole Barton


Something I've come to see in the last few years is that there's a huge difference between knowing our GIFTS and knowing our MEDICINA. 

Mostly, until I discovered the path of soul descent, I had been searching very hard, externally, for my GIFTS.

A gift is defined as a natural ability or talent. Our gifts are typically easier to spot logically when we look at patterns. They're very easy to put into words and lists. They're something you can look back over your life and spot "oh look, that's something I'm good at." Like you can be good at reiki or aromatherapy or coaching. These are skills that we can just get good at, that we can hone and develop. 

In other words, a gift is something, to me, that we can hone - and which can actually feel GOOD to reflect on and discover.

Our GIFTS are what most of the self-development world is obsessed with finding. It is what I was obsessed with finding. 

Until I felt something that differentiated a gift from our MEDICINA.

What I saw was that there's something that goes way BEYOND our talents and abilities. 

Our MEDICINA - our Medicine - is the ART of HEALING. 

And art is not logical - it's an expression of something of extra-ordinary significance. 

✨ In other words, our MEDICINA is the deepest and fullest expression of the true medicinal healing art of our soul. 

Our MEDICINA is our soul's deepest purpose, on full display, fully expressed, in a way which heals like ART. 

Our MEDICINA (unlike our gifts) is totally unique. It is absolutely one-off. It is irreplaceable on this earth, other than by you. 

It is the MEDICINAL ESSENCE you were born with. The Medicina your soul chose to come to earth to live.

It's your deepest healing purpose. 

And in truth, it can only arrive to you through real, magical synchronicity, that likely can never be explained. 

It never arrives via logic.

Art just doesn't work like that.

So we can learn to hone all the gifts we like, chalk up all the experience in the world of new skills - and, don’t get me wrong, that’s useful - AND yet, it is invoking + living our MEDICINA that makes the deepest healing impact on Earth. 

One thing is for sure, the process of Soul Art is never going to *feel* as good as looking for our easy-to-spot gifts. 

Because that discovery process is messy and requires of us to be willing to fully embody our Feminine magic, go into our wounds and be prepared to freefall as we crack open to our truth. I know this process well.

🖤 In fact, when we hit upon our true Medicinal essence, it's very likely we'll resist it and feel some fear.

Our shadow has done a great job of hiding the Medicinal art of our soul for a lifetime, so far. To keep us "safe". 

Because once we know it, we can't un-know it. 

And, once our MEDICINA becomes conscious, we have a choice:

We either bring it into the world - 

Or we don't. 

That choice is the REAL reason most women don't discover their deepest Medicina, and instead chase their "gifts."

The real question is, what are you here for?

Searching for gifts, or honouring your real, MEDICINAL art?


PS - if you want to begin your initiation, I have limited space to work with me 1:1 for this - get clarity on your deepest medicina + create your soul's legacy business.

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x