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Is your womb calling you into your Feminine soft-power? Resources for you… 🌹🌟

Is your womb calling you into your Feminine soft-power? Resources for you… 🌹🌟


"I myself used to suffer with deeply debilitating womb pains and endometriosis, and I've also been through much womb trauma (my baby's birth a great example). Each of these initiations has revealed something of my gifts, shown me the way back into my body and helped me learn how to heal myself by honouring my true Feminine soft-power nature. "

~ Nicole Barton

We are taught to look at 'symptoms' as things that are “wrong” and need "fixing", in our modern culture. 

I don't see it this way - and sometimes, I forget how radical my magical worldview is. I forget to point out what is obvious to me, yet rarely seen by the rest of the world.

Because my worldview is that any "symptoms" are messengers from the body. 

From our *intelligent* bodies - which hold a deep and ancient wisdom of how to heal innately. 

We are just so used to outsourcing our healing power in this modern world - to doctors, or things that numb, drugs, alcohol, TV, sex, work - that we don't see this truth that we can heal ourselves. 

My worldview is that 'symptoms' are our initiations back into our self-healing power. 

In particular, common 'symptoms' that women who are called to the Archetypal Apothecary path often experience is those related to the womb. They might suffer with things defined as:

🩸 mysterious period pains

🩸 cycle pain - eg at ovulation


🩸 endometriosis

🩸 fibroids

🩸 PMT 

🩸 womb trauma or abuse

It makes so much sense in a linear logical world to define these things this way. 

*And*, really, what we are really speaking to here is a collection of sensations that the body is calling us to hear, so we can heal and choose differently. 

All of these things are really 'initiations' that are revealing something. Usually, womb symptoms, I've seen, are calling us back to our Feminine soft-power - in a world where we have learned to harden, fit in and rush.

In a world where we have learned to shame our Feminine as 'weak' or 'lazy' or 'not valuable' as we try to keep up with the Masculine way of being which drives our world.

For the sensitive, ancient souls of the world, we simply *won't* fit into that harshness, that penetrative 'rush, force, push' (though it has it's place). 

And so, our intelligent, wise body lets us know - calls us back to our Feminine, gently (and sometimes not so gently) nudging us with signs and synchronicities - and sometimes womb trauma or symptoms that don't feel magical at all.  

This was certainly true for me - and is often true of the women drawn to this path. And it's an opening, if we allow it. An opening to our gifts as a healer, an opening to learn to heal ourselves first. 

I myself used to suffer with deeply debilitating womb pains and endometriosis, and I've also been through much womb trauma (my baby's birth a great example). Each of these initiations has revealed something of my gifts, shown me the way back into my body and helped me learn how to heal myself by honouring my true Feminine soft-power nature. 

Sometimes I still can experience pain, but generally it's gone, or I experience it to a much lesser degree these days. It was only the reclamation of my softness, my tenderness, the honouring of ancient cyclical wisdom in me - aka my Feminine power - that helped me heal that. 

Our wombs call us deeper into reclaiming our Feminine power - and my question is:

🌹 How are you being called?

🌹 What is your body wanting to reveal to you?

🌹 Do you want to heal and alchemise this?

If the answer to the last part is 'Yes', I've three recommendations:

1) read 'Wild Power' by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer to help you begin to connect to your Feminine cycle


2) listen to our podcast with Andrea Clarke - "how to commune with your womb' to help you begin to commune with her and reveal more


3) consider if you're being called to journey into your Feminine soft-power - into your body, your wombspace and your soul - in our upcoming healing journey with Archetypal Aurum in January, where we will be illuminating more about all of the above questions and guiding you more deeply into your womb and body.


All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x