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EP 57: How to Commune with your Womb for Deep Healing

With Andrea clarke

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest Andrea Clarke. Andrea is a Feminine Embodiment Coach, holistic pelvic care practitioner and intuitive healer having cut her teeth in bodywork & energy medicine over 20 years ago. She helps women who feel numb & disconnected to reawaken their creative flow and align with clarity and direction with their soul purpose. Her womb space is her guide & muse & she seeks to fulfil her deepest desires ~ that which she wishes to birth through her.

In this episode we dived into Womb Communion and how healing Feminine reclamation is,  for any woman - but especially for those women wanting a gateway to their soul gifts. We explored into the nuance in the depth of Feminine Embodiment and how true intimacy with the wisdom of your womb is two way - including both listening and communing.  We also dived into the Archetypal Remedy of the Rose and how softening, opening and relaxing leads to our full expression - and how the healing power lies in our womb space.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Womb Communion is opening to a two way intimate conversation with our wombs - about feelings, allowing space for our womb to fully express what she’s holding. Our wombs are aspects of our consciousness and they have traveled with us for many lifetimes

  • Our wombs carry and hold so much - from trauma to shame, to fear - and we want them to know they are able to release that holding - that is the aim of as well as finding out what it wants us to know our soul purpose 

  • We’ve often experienced a sense of disconnection from our wombs in this culture - things like addiction, alcohol, TV, social media, and even work hustle can be ways of us ignoring the secret wisdom of our wombs - and this is really an invitation to go deeper.

  • It can feel scary to begin to commune with our wombs - we can hit up against harsh, masculine-feeling energy and fear, but it really offers us a chance to hear our souls

  • Communing with our wombs helps us to go deeper into understanding ourselves - and a simple way of doing that is by asking Her - “what do you want to express?”  

  • We can also journey with her physically - moving energy with our hands and placing our hands over our womb space and being open to seeing what arises

  • Overall, our wombs hold so much wisdom that’s invaluable to our true purpose.

Resources and things that we spoke about:

Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.

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Thank you,

Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox

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