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What is the universal healing law of 'similia similibus'?

What is the universal healing law of 'similia similibus'?

(Even if you know it, this is an important read).


"There's no greater privilege than to become who you truly are"

~ Carl Jung

One of the ancient healing wisdom bodies of my Archetypal Apothecary healing modality is homeopathy. It's a medical system that I was born to serve in this lifetime, and I've witnessed healing miracle upon healing miracle with its magic - both for myself and other women.

I no longer serve homeopathy traditionally - I serve the remedies as Archetypes - yet it is a deep part of my lineage, providing healing on a deep level and also providing the foundational technology I harness to map out a woman's soul plan. A soul map helping women understand their natural make up, their soul gifts, and the wounds they need to heal in order to fulfil their potential and live their purpose.

And one of homeopathy's most important principles of 'similia similibus' is woven right through my path.

I was asked by a participant of Rosa about this universal law - which literally translates to "like cures like" - when she said she read that "not many people like liquorice but those that do really like liquorice" and I responded that this principle made sense of that.

Because "like cures like" literally means that those who are similar to us will be attracted to us for healing.

And we can only cleanly shine that torch to beam the path ahead when we are our full, pure expression of ourselves. Which means that to some people, who don't like liquorice, our unique gifts won't make sense. Yet to those who are struggling with what we have journeyed, our unique healing gifts will be liquid gold.

This is the reason why I help sensitive souls become healers - because I have healed my wounds of shaming my sensitivity and unique gifts, and I now beam the light to show its possible for other sensitive souls here with hidden gifts.

In other words, I've healed these wounds (though never entirely, there's always more healing to do) - and in shining the light of that healing journey, I naturally hold a torch for other "similar" women who are able to learn to heal themselves through that journey.

Said differently, again, when we share from our healed scars, rather than our wounds, we attract those who have the same wounds we did. And we can activate their healing, just by expressing the fullness of who we are.

"Like curing like."

On a very foundational and practical level, "like cures like" also means that 'what causes a wound will also cure a wound.' As an example, if you have a cold with streaming eyes and nose, you'd find relief from Allium cepa - the onion - because 'onion' causes (and therefore cures) those same symptoms.

This is why I serve the Archetypal Remedies I do - because they offer mirrors for the wounding patterns that sensitive souls who long to be healers hold. As an example, Archetypal Rosa's thorns and tight bud will cure the spiky tightness and closedness of women who are here for more, yet feel all the fear of opening to their gifts.

So often, women go in search of their gifts, without realising that it is the deep personal healing of our wounds and the reclamation of our full expression that is the real healing gift.

It's why I initiate women into illuminating their darkness and the wounds stored in their bodies, so that they can journey into full discovery of their gifts.

It's why my modality has 3 layers - Heal, Discover, Express.

Our souls each came here with a unique gift, a unique purpose - a unique Archetypal Remedy - to live out. A remedy that when fully expressed will activate deep healing to those similar to us.

Without being willing to go into the darkness, we will never find our unique remedy, which breaks my heart in a world where this universal magical law isn't well known.

Our unique remedy will only be clear enough for those people who need it to find us, if we are willing to courageously and vulnerably heal and show all of ourselves.

And that's the question - are you willing to go in, do the deep work to heal and discover your soul's unique plan and remedy?

If you are, you're opening to a lifetime of possibility, learning to heal yourself and to become the gift your soul was born here for.

As Carl Jung said - "there's no greater privilege than to become who you truly are" - and this is true.

Yet it's also *imperative* for those who were born here to be healers, teachers and guides, so you can beam your light into the world clearly enough to let others find your healing gifts.

If you'd like to have a clear map of your soul's plan and learn to harness Archetypal Remedies to heal *yourself* and discover your gifts to become a healer, teacher or guide, email me and we can explore together in an Alchemy call - there are lots of ways you can tenderly begin to walk the path.

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x