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Synthetic suppression - the cultural wound of our time

Synthetic suppression - the cultural wound of our time


“This is why healing the Feminine is our most important work. As women and as healers. It's both for us - and for the future generations - and for the loss of Ancestral feminine wisdom body that we have created, without meaning to - because we outsourced our power to the medical science that over-rode our deep innate knowledge.”

~ Nicole Barton

I don't often speak to the 'Ancestral Layer' Archetypal Remedies of our path, but they're a big part of our Soul Map - they are one of the 4 layers of Remedies that women need to heal in order to live their soul purpose (especially as healers).

You see, all cultures at a moment in time have their 'wounds' - ancestral wounds ('miasms') that are passed down in our DNA through epigenetics. Medicine women have always talked of 'ancestral healing' yet modern science itself didn't know, until fairly recently, that epigenetics explained this ancestral piece. Science recently discovered that what we do in our lifetime altars our DNA, which explains why what our ancestors lived through shows up in our bodies - even generations down the line.

Our past generations have shared their collective wounds - from war, to famine, to sexually transmitted disease, to the witch wounds, to cancer - with us. It's why we can feel triggered by certain experiences that weren't ours, but were experienced by older generations in our line.

Our work is to heal these layers so we can purely express ourselves and our gifts in the world.

But I hadn't seen what *our* generation was passing down ancestrally - until last night when I was pondering something that has been so in front of my nose for such a long time.

What is the wounding of *our* time, I wondered?

I saw something huge in that pondering; that today's biggest cultural wounding is:

Separation from the Feminine

(for women, and separation from the Masculine for men).

This realisation, though I have known it and felt it deeply for some time, came to me as I was reflecting on the huge disconnection in our current culture - and what had created it.

And I began to think about what the Archetypal Remedy was for this particular "ancestral" wound that we are passing down to our next generations (even though, largely, modern society would never see it as needing a remedy).

Archetypal Folliculinum came to me - she's one of the remedies that is known to be one of the "Gifts of the Mother" (thanks to Melissa Assilem) - she's made from oestrogen and is one of the deeply feminine remedies - a gift of the 'Great Mother.'

And I realised, that Archetypal Folliculinum is our new "miasm" remedy - her wounds, our new ancestral wounding that *we* are passing - and may already have passed - down to our future generations.

It doesn't appear to be a significant issue to the modern world, because when huge movements or shocking world events happen in a society, the modern day worldview doesn't see the energetic 'imprint' this leaves on our future generations' health (via our DNA).

But I do. Because my neurodivergent brain spots patterns - and because the ancient wisdom bodies of my path provide the map for why this is.

Major societal events, like Covid, and cultural ways of being, will have imprints on our bodies and our DNA for generations to come - that will be an ancestral wound we pass down.

And we aren't even aware.

So what event has created the disconnect from the feminine we are just beginning to feel the impacts of?

Well, you see, 30 years ago, women were given the synthetic Pill - to control their hormones. 30 years ago, women altered their DNA, innocently, yet irreparably (without energetic medicine) - because as soon as we do that, it will pass down through epigenetics.

The Pill (and other synthetic hormonal pills) removed us from our body's natural rhythms, our femininity, our cycles, our natural hormone patterns. It took away what made us women.

And both energetically and via our physical DNA disruption, that pattern was passed down into our now generation - a generation where Femininity is being denied, dismissed and disowned. You can see it in modern film, even - I'm thinking of Luisa (the strong one) in Encanto, or the way that women feel they have to be "strong" rather than the "nurturers" of communities and families.

It shows up in:

💔 our rising infertility levels

💔 our loss of identity, individuality and sense of self

💔 our disconnection from our body's rhythms

💔 our sense of loss of control

💔 our incessant need to keep up with men

💔 our need to rescue others

💔 our lack of energy

💔 our post-natal depressions

💔 our sense of lostness in relationship.

The Gifts of the Great Mother - and her feminine softness - have been lost.

🖤 This is the body holding the unconscious wounding of the synthetic Pill.

🖤 This is the body disconnecting from our Femininity - because the imprint of our DNA doesn't *know* its purity anymore.

Generations of Feminine wisdom is becoming *lost*; blocked out by synthetic hormones.

And I suspect the only true thing that holds a remedy for this is Archetypal Folliculinum (and some of the other 'surface' layer Feminine Archetypal Remedies I serve in our healing path).

Folliculinum in particular is the 'ancestral' layer Archetypal Remedy that the women in our culture need, to heal and reclaim the true, natural, Feminine 'Gifts' of the Mother.

Because "like cures like" - she's the synthetic hormone, which will cure the very imbalance that's been caused by the synthetic hormone.

She will help women reclaim the Gifts that have been lost, shoved down and silenced. In a world that doesn't value the soft beating heart of the Feminine's rythmic and cyclical body.

There's so much wounding here, yet the work we are doing in the Archetypal Apothecary path to reclaim our Feminine - to reclaim the Gifts of the Mother - is healing ourselves, and the world, from this inherited loss of the pure Feminine.

*We* can claim this back and heal this wounding - we can undo what we innocently did by taking the Pill, now, before this wounding is passed down even further to more future generations. Before more ancient wisdom is lost.

This is why healing the Feminine is our most important work. As women and as healers.

It's both for us - and for the future generations - and for the loss of Ancestral feminine wisdom body that we have created, without meaning to - because we outsourced our power to the medical science that over-rode our deep innate knowledge.

The world *needs* her women.

The healers, the pure channels, the nurturers, the wise, wild women - the sensitive women with ancient information in their bones.

It's time to re-member and reclaim her from the depths of synthetic suppression.

Before it's all lost.

Who's with me?

All my love,

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x