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What "Remedy" and "Potency" are you serving?

What "Remedy" and "Potency" are you serving?


“We are all walking around with our own unique collection of Archetypal Remedy "wounding states" that want to be worked with for healing. And so the first choice is, as healers, which 'layer' of remedy do we serve? Some will be more 'surface' layer than 'deeper' layers (read my article on Hering's direction of cure) - and these surface layer remedies are usually the ones that need healing first, so we can slowly and gently open at our soul's pace.”

~ Nicole Barton

One of the things I teach healers to do, deeper in the path, is how to read and match people's energetic "potency" when they are serving their unique remedy.

And this is *beyond* important.

Because, though many of the 'quick fix' approaches to healing (innocently) teach 'one size fits all', not everyone's healing is linear and requires the same remedy and potency.

We are all walking around with our own unique collection of Archetypal Remedy "wounding states" that want to be worked with for healing. And so the first choice is, as healers, which 'layer' of remedy do we serve? Some will be more 'surface' layer than 'deeper' layers (read my article on Hering's direction of cure) - and these surface layer remedies are usually the ones that need healing first, so we can slowly and gently open at our soul's pace.

Go too deep with a particular Remedy and you'll crack open a rocket that explodes (ask me how I know).

Go too shallow, and you'll miss the healing magic, with little response.

And yet it's not just the Remedy itself that wants to be served at the right time; it's also the depth of *potency.*

In the right energetic match for that person's unique energetic.

This is true for all healers, by the way - regardless of what tools you are using to heal. Even if you're not working with our Archetypal Remedies, you'll still need to be aware of the *potency* you are serving into the world (just by expressing yourself).

And what's *unique* about my own medicine is I will meet you in the exact potency you need. Because I know how to read it - it's a skill I've harnessed. A skill that can be valuable to have modelled in our own healing.

That means, if you need soft and gentle, you'll receive soft and gentle (I call it 30c potency, homeopathically). Truth will be served with the deepest of love to help you access the wound softly and tenderly.

If you need fierce, I'll meet you fully in the fire (10m potency). Truth (still served with love) will perhaps feel more of an impact as it lands in your body, to wake you up. (That's not to say 10m is only the fiery remedies, we can have 10m Rosa and serve 10m softness).

[And there are various other potencies in between the centesimal (c) and millesimal (m) potencies - and even beyond. And various uses of potency (c's can be used for physical, and m's for mental emotional). There's a science and an art behind it.]

Serving lower potency isn't me being "less expressed," or the Remedy being less impactful, either - it is me being a channel of Loving Truth for the Remedy and the Potency it is *needed* in, in order for it to be received fully as the medicine it is, and land in the body just as it's needed. To offer the potent mirror in the right dose, at the right time, in order to not trigger a healing response, but to provide rapid, permanent and gentle cure.

Some women were born to work with and serve soft 30c's. Some women were born to work with and serve punchy 10m's. There's an art and a science to knowing who needs what, and when - and again it's not linear.

In essence, when you work with me - in whatever form, I'm *ALWAYS* reading your unique Archetypal Remedy and matching it energetically to reflect what you need.

I'm always asking myself:

Which Remedy?

In which Potency?

If you're in my containers, you'll probably begin to get a felt sense for how this is baked into the path. You sense the fact (even if unconsciously) that I'm constantly with my senses open, feeling for the Archetypal Remedy that's surfacing to be healed and loved back to wholeness next - and you'll probably notice how I meet people differently in these different energetic levels of potency.

Some women have been walking my path for years, and I can meet them in 10m (if that's their energy). Others, might well need 30c at first - though sometimes I can meet a new woman in 10m, too, it really depends what she needs, and which Remedy I'm serving.

The point is, serving the right remedy in the right potency is important for the real, true art of healing. To provide a rapid, deep acting and permanent, yet gentle return to wholeness.

I wonder - do you have a sense of which remedy or potency you need (or are here to serve)?

Or perhaps you have an experience where a 'quick fix' has offered a remedy in a potency that didn't match what you needed at the time?

All my love,

PS, I have two spaces opened up for sensitive women and aspiring healers who may want to go deeper 1:1 with me, to heal with their unique remedies, and discover the remedy and potency they are here to serve. Message me if you'd like to explore (I'm currently in conversation with 3 women).

if you've any questions, send me an email.

Nicole x