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Episode 82: Where to begin in your journey of opening to becoming a healer - how to work with our Starter Pack and Illumination Workbook - Bonus Episode

With Nicole Barton

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is exploring the sense of ‘overwhelm’ that can often be felt in knowing ‘where to start’ in the journey of opening to becoming a healer - especially with the amount of ‘quick fix’ false promises on offer, that can leave us disheartened.  She explores how you might know you are feeling the call to be a healer (even amidst the fears) - and how to get clarity on your next tender steps in your journey, helping you answering the question: “where do I begin?”

In this episode Nicole explores the most potent ‘Archetypal Apothecary’ resources that can help you begin to open to your gifts - inviting you to begin with our potent ‘Starter Pack’ which is packed with all the information you need to begin to access your own wisdom about how to become a healer from integrity and honesty.  She shares how to work with the ‘Illumination Workbook’ in particular, which provides a guide to self-illumination and self-discovery of 3 things that will help you get clarity to move forwards: your ‘Fears’ (what’s holding you back), your ‘Soul’s Vision’ (which should always be your ‘compass’) and your ‘Next Steps’ (what’s the next breadcrumb for you to follow) - whether that’s something in our path, or something else entirely.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • It can so often be overwhelming when we begin to open to the journey of becoming a healer - there are so many opinions ‘out there’, externally, as to where to begin - including many ‘quick fix’ promises, that heart-breakingly often leave us feeling disappointed

  • And yet, the most potent place to begin is by accessing your own wisdom; via self-illumination and self-discovery (one of the 8 Elements of our path) which can help you begin to heal yourself

  • The Archetypal Apothecary ‘Starter Kit’ and ‘Illumination Workbook’ are the resources that guide you into the 3 potent explorations of your ‘Fears’ (what holds you back), your ‘Soul Vision’ (which becomes your compass) and offers clarity on your ‘Next Steps’ (the next breadcrumb you’re being called to take)

  • If you don’t know where to begin, start there - there’s so much gold in this resource; it’s not like your average ‘free’ resource; we put *everything* we possibly can into our free resources (just as we would a paid journey), and there’s hundreds of pounds worth of value in them

  • The invitation is to not rush your journey with the Starter Pack and Illumination Workbook - there’s gold in these resources that’s been intentionally designed as the tender first steps, but they won’t be a ‘quick fix’, they do require you to take some time working through the potent enquiries, practices and rituals in there for you

  • You can find a link to download yours below in the resources section: www.nicolebarton.co.uk/sign-up

Resources and things that we spoke about:

Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.

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Thank you,
Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox

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